He kept remembering the words he said. Wang Shuo indeed was into BDSM, go figure. He knew what it felt like to be judged. Many girls he had fucked were scared and terrified when they did it. It costed him a lot of good fucking. And even if he never loved, if he did, he was certain he would still do BDSM. He was still human, just into different things. On some level, Wang Shuo understood. He suddenly then began to think...maybe he was gay? The thought always suddenly made him think of Sun Hui. Ridiculous, I'm going too far.

Regardless, it couldn't hurt to tease him a bit to try it out. Maybe it would get rid of Sun Hui in his mind, too. He's always thinking about him when he gets an erection. It's pitiful, really.

When he cleared his throat, he noticed Sun Hui was blushing. He took notice of his features. He really did have extremely fluffy hair, making Wang Shuo wonder how it would feel against his hand. His eyes were black, but soft. The glasses were too big on his face. His skin was white, but it look soft to the touch. Everything about him seemed soft. He's actually kind of cute when I think of it like that. Like...a lady, almost.

Wang Shuo immediately shook his head. He was going crazy. Accepting was one thing, transforming was another big leap. Besides, he was pretty sure Sun Hui hated him to infinity because of his past deeds. And unfortunately, he had no means of stopping his torture. He convinced himself the reason he was acting so weirdly was either because of his sister, because his words were secretly manipulative, or because he wanted that control over him again. He went with the last one. It made the most sense to him, mostly because his sister was no longer an obsession he craved and he refused to believe someone could easily manipulate him like an on-off switch.

Sun Hui watched dumbfounded as Wang Shuo went into his car and drove off. What, no insults? Am I really getting to him more than I thought? I feel almost bad I'm posting his photos...almost.

Despite the sudden abnormal attitude, Sun Hui wasn't going to take any chances so soon.

When he got to school, everyone was weirdly quiet. He went past a group of students, but no one was whispering about him or shouting out insults. When he went to his desk, all the ink was washed off as if there was never any bullying. During class, even teachers took the initiative to speak to him. Is the sun suddenly rising from the West now? Since when? I never got a news report.

When the end bell rang, Sun Hui checked 006 for Wang Shuo. He's not even waiting. What the fuck happened?

The minute after school was over, Sun Hui's phone rang. He quickly answered it. He had no other people he could think of calling him except for the restaurant.

"Hello?" Sun Hui answered, climbing out the window like yesterday. Again, not taking any chances with that demon asshole.

"Is this Sun Hui? You applied for the dish washing position yesterday at our family restaurant," a female voice said smoothly. He could detect a bit of happiness and excitement. He immediately knew that whoever this was, was currently thinking about his status.

"Yes, this is he," Sun Hui replied, dropping on the ground. He really had to run. What if Wang Shuo suddenly came out of nowhere? What if he was lurking in the shadows outside of school this time?

"You got the job, congrats! We expect you here tomorrow at six thirty in the evening," the female voice said bubbly. Before Sun Hui can ask about the interview he suddenly skipped, the phone was already cut off from the call. She hung up.

Well, at least it was short. Sun Hui slipped his phone back into his pant pocket and began running home. He decided to take a different route, one that took him around thirty minutes to get home instead of the usual fifteen (they always left early for school because Sun Hui liked to arrive early for the purpose of preparation and Wang Shuo hated tardiness). His parents, like always, never questioned where he had been. They simply ignored him like usual when he got home. At least this is normal.

He went straight to his bedroom, ignoring his sister's green eyed glare. Soon, those eyes will be in tears. I can't wait to see your face when the videos go out, and Wang Shuo dumps your sorry ass. Sun Hui was too lenient with you last life. You're true punishment awaits.

He went onto 006 and his computer. He found some interesting footage of the two and downloaded it to his computer. He took out a flash drive laying around in the room and put it in an inserter outlet. The school had connected and programmed TVs all in the halls. He would put it in the computer in the principal's office and have it displayed on the TVs. He didn't want to be caught, so when he first got the flash drive he had used clean plastic gloves. He would use another pair when he snuck in.

You're into BDSM. What else is dirty about you? Sun Hui thought, pulling out the list of the girlfriend names. He also took out a bag of chips from under his bed in case he got hungry.


Wang Shuo squinted his eyes, silently cursing that he couldn't see what Sun Hui was doing. All he saw was his body figure and a light illuminating said figure. He turned away, giving a sharp look to his bodyguard that had insisted on going with him.

"Sir, why are you spying on Sun Hui? I thought he wasn't a threat, just a punching bag," his bodyguard said. He was half mocking, half curious.

Wang Shuo glared at him, narrowing his eyes, "None of your business. And don't insult him, I'm the only one with that right."

And it was true. Wang Shuo didn't know why he had an urge to watch Sun Hui like a stalker, a method he did only with potential girls and with anyone who upset him or he deemed suspicious. Sun Hui, though, wasn't any of the above nor did he ever take the time to "stalk" him before.

Wang Shuo shook his head and got into the car. He wouldn't do this again. It was too strange to stalk Sun Hui out of the blue like that when the only times he had stalked him before was to beat him up.

Speaking of beating up...I may have given you a break today, but tomorrow I won't be so generous.

To Forever Love Him (Original/Unedited/Uncensored First Arc Only)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt