Sun Hui wanted to be stronger enough to continue out his life, to find real love, and to get some sort of revenge.

Sun Hui was never one to kill for revenge, although sometimes he was forced to by the AI. However, he did have a few tricks up his sleeve to expose the dirty secrets of those who wronged him. As for living? He had long planned to live to the end this time instead of dying short. He could easily fulfill out these wishes, but finding real love would be difficult. Now that he had freewill, would he really be able to

Whatever. As long as I have freewill, I'll do my best to help out and take revenge for those who deserve it, even if they are only data. I refuse to be a bystander any longer. Sun Hui nodded to himself, feeling like a weight was lifted off of him. He could finally take his "revenge" by putting his freewill to use.

After looking at his AI 006 for some time on his wrist, he realized the AI seemed to have been reprogrammed to help him. Whoever caused this, I'll be forever grateful to you!

"Come on, Faggot! Mom and Dad made breakfast, be thankful I told you! You would've starved to death! I wouldn't mind, but Shuo insists that you stay fit for him to beat up!" he heard Sun Lin bang on the door, her voice scratchy like a stereotypical bitch.

Sun Hui glanced at his computer and smirked. He decided to repay his sister and her boyfriend by doing something similar to what they did to him. Until then, he would act like the "faggot" they all know minus the helpless begging and crying. He wouldn't give them that satisfaction any longer.

"You're so kind!" he shouted out, hiding his sarcastic remark. He snickered when he heard his older sister let out an angry huff.

When he was sure Sun Lin had walked away, he opened the door and walked out of his bedroom. His parents, no surprise, ignored him as he sat at the table and began eating. The woman he presumed to be his birth giver took away the bowl of oatmeal before he could dig in. "I thought we said no fags at the table!"

Sun Hui went through his memories, indeed remembering that sentence. He needed to eat, though. If his parents weren't willing, he'll be sure to get a job soon to be able to afford eating out.

"Only you and the school know. What would happen if people outside came to know that you're only son died? It would arouse suspicion," Sun Hui persuaded. Mrs. Sun hesitated at his words, her hands hovering over the trash can.

"Mom, Shuo wants him to be healthy so he can withstand all his torturing. Shuo would be upset if he knew that Sun Hui died not because of him," Sun Lin said.

You really liked this guy? Were you blind? Sun Hui never experienced love through his lifetimes. As cannon fodder, he was only considered wasted space by everyone. This made him feel homesick. He wondered if his family and friends were missing him as much as he missed them.

Again, how can he find real love out of his freewill? He doesn't know how to "love," he had forgotten how after so long.

Sun Hui, even though he hadn't met the guy yet, decided that he hated this Wang Shuo. Only a sick person would want to beat someone up, only to keep him healthy to prolong the suffering.

As soon as Wang Shuo was mentioned, the bowl of oatmeal was placed in front of Sun Hui again. The man who had to be the sperm donor clicked his tongue as he sipped on his coffee. "Be grateful, boy. I don't want you at this table ever again, you hear? From now on, you earn your food."

Sun Hui didn't say anything. He already decided to look for job openings after school anyway to get some money of his own. He was right when he said no one else knew. It shouldn't be too difficult to get a job if he used his family name.

The breakfast was disrupted by the sound of an engine. Sun Hui frowned, looking at the time—seven o'clock.

"Who is that?" Mr. Sun grumbled, placing down his cup. Sun Lin's green eyes brightened.

"That's Shuo. He must've gotten his licenses over the weekend," Sun Lin said, sighing dreamily.

Sun Hui and Sun Lin walked out, seeing Wang Shuo leaning against his slick black sports car. Sun Hui then understood why this body liked him. Even though Sun Hui knew he wasn't gay, Wang Shuo was very attractive. His hair was silver with side swept bangs. His eyes were also silver, narrowed into slits. His jawline was sharp. He looked rather muscular and was quite tall. Sun Hui was certain that he would had been scared shitless if this was his first rodeo.

This guy goes to my school? He looks like he's in his twenties, not eighteen! Sun Hui frowned even further.

"What are you frowning at, Fag?" Wang Shuo sneered, grabbing Sun Lin.

"Nothing, brother-in-law," Sun Hui mocked. Seriously, why did you like this jerk?

"Don't call me that," Wang Shuo spat to the side, taking Sun Lin to his car. Before he got in, he stared down Sun Hui. "Be ready by our normal time, nerd. You're going to get an extra pounding for making me angry first thing in the morning."

With that said, he drove off. Sun Hui coughed from the smell of gasoline and the flakes of rock dust, waving his hand to protect his face.

I'm going to give you a surprise, Wang Shuo. How about..."no"? Sun Hui scowled at the driveway before walking to the school. He was thankful that the high school he went to was only a few blocks away. He hated to not be on time, he was a total perfectionist.

While he walked, he took the time to look at his uniform. It was a gray long sleeved sweater with a white shirt underneath. The tie he wore was green with thin white stripes. He wore long gray pants to match. On the right side of his chest was a crest symbol.

His black eyes squinted amongst the sun as he neared the school building. Immediately, people around him started to whisper. What the fuck? Homosexuality is completely legal at this time. Why is everyone so hateful?

Even after so many lifetimes, Sun Hui admitted that he still failed to understand humanity...or at least a form of humanity. 

To Forever Love Him (Original/Unedited/Uncensored First Arc Only)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu