yeah so i have covid

44 10 17

Not sure where my dad got it from, but he gave it to me

Uh.... day one was crap

I didnt have a fever, but my body couldn't decide if it was freezing cold or stiflingly hot, so I would bundle under blankets, and as soon as i got warm and happy, I'd suddenly overheat not be able to breathe.

That s u c k e d. But it was worse when I was hot and cold at the same time.

So that happened Thursday night. In the morning, I stopped with the hot/cold flashes, and went into a stupid runny nose. Felt fine. Dont remember much about friday.

Saturday, my nose became completely stopped up and I lost my sense of smell and taste. Also, I popped my ear when sneezing yesterday, and it's still ringing.

Uh.... today nothing big has happened. Just waiting for my taste to come back.

I can taste the elements of something, but not the actual flavor of it.

Orange juice tastes the same

Orange juice tastes the same

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But yeah I'm fine

I'm just really annoyed because I'm going to miss a lot of stuff now. We had rehearsals for a play starting up today, I'll miss pictures on Tuesday, as well as a youth group trip on Saturday

Corona s u c k s

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