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"Come on, let's go!" Someone yelled as he ushered everyone out of the aircraft and towards a lager building that, on the outside, looked impenetrable. As soon as they were all inside, the large door shut, much similar to how the walls of the maze would shut, and sealed them inside. The man continued to practically push them into a room before shutting that door too.

"I have a bad feeling about this place." Ava said. Maybe it was just that she was a little on edge, or it could be the fact they'd basically man-handled her, but she didn't think she'd be able feel safe here. Maybe ever.


Ava sat in a chair, waiting for a doctor. Around her, everyone else was also being checked over. She looked up, meeting her brothers eyes. He could see she was scared, scared of not knowing what they'd just walked into.

"It's okay." He said aloud. People around them looked up, trying to find out what was going on. "We're gonna be okay."

"I hope you're right, Tommy." She replied. Just then, a doctor came towards her.

"Are you ready, Ava?" She asked. Ava nodded slightly, yet wondered why the doctor pulled the curtains. No one else had them shut, so what made her different?

"What do you think they're doing in there?" Newt asked Thomas, a wave of concern washing over him.

"I don't know."


At this point, it was safe to say, Ava was absolutely shitting herself. They'd said that both she and Teresa needed to be taken in for more testing. She hoped and prayed there was nothing wrong with her, but didn't have the heart to question it. Behind and in front of her, were men with guns. They lead her past a window that allowed her to see inside the next room. In there were more people that she could count sat a long metal tables. She then saw Thomas and took this opportunity to cry for help. She stopped and started to bang on the window, calling out to him.

"Tommy! Thomas!" She yelled. He looked up at her and jumped up from his seat, hereby alerting the others something was wrong. They all went towards the window as Ava continued pleading for help.

"Don't touch her!" Thomas yelled as the man from behind her grabbed her, and injected her with something that made her drop limp. "Ava!" While Thomas threw his weight against the window, Newt and Minho tried to get past the people guarding the doors. Thomas watched his sister's unconscious form get carried away.

"Where are they taking her?" Newt asked.

"They need to run a few more tests." The man answered.

"Wh- what tests? Is she okay?" Minho further questioned.

"She's fine."

"Let me through these doors." Thomas demanded, getting a little rowdy.

"Go sit down. Let's not make a scene."

"Let me through these god damn doors!"

"Thomas, Thomas." Someone said, walking towards him. "I thought we could trust each other."

"Can we?"


That night, while everyone was sleeping, Thomas heard a crash underneath his bed.

"Hey." A whisper came. "Hey, Thomas." He rolled over to his front, looking under his bed. He saw the kid from earlier had gotten into the vents, therefore he'd gotten into their room. "Follow me." Thomas didn't even know this kid, yet found himself following him through the vents, until they came to a stop. "Look." He glances through a vent cover that overlooks a hallway. Suddenly, the same doctor that saw Ava walked towards a door, opening it and allowing someone to push a table inside. Then another. On these tables were large white sheets the looked like they were covering bodies. "They take in new people every night like clockwork, but no one ever comes out. I don't think anyone ever really leaves this place."

"Why are you showing this to me?" Thomas asked, finally speaking up.

"Because I saw how bad you wanted to help that girl, and I don't want her to end up like this."


The next day, Thomas tried to figure out how to execute his plan.

"I wanna know what's behind that door." He muttered.

"No, look, we've been over this." Newt started. "You can't just charge in there. I say we keep our heads down and try not to draw attention to ourselves." As if he hadn't listened to a word Newt said, Thomas suddenly got up and stormed towards the door. "What is he doing?"

"I think he's drawing attention to himself." Frypan said with a sigh.

"Whoa, where do you think you're going?" The man at the door asked, pushing Thomas back a little.

"I just wanna see me sister, okay. Why won't you let me through?"

"You're sister is fine. She's resting."

"What does that even mean! Just let me see her!!"


Thomas' behaviour managed to get them all sent back to their sleeping quarters, however, he'd snatched up a key card.

"What are you playing at?" Minho fumed. Thomas made it known he had the key card.

"We're leaving." He said simply. "I'm going to get Ava, I'm going to get Teresa, and we're getting out of here."

"Thomas, you're not thinking straight." Whinston argued. "Newt, tell him." Newt didn't reply. "Newt."

"Maybe we should go with him." Newt said, to the surprise of everyone one else.

"What?" Frypan asked.

"In all the time you've known him, when has he been wrong?"

"I know what this is about." Minho said. "This is just because of Ava isn't it? You just wanna see her."

"Yes. What's the point even trying to lie about it when that's exactly why I'm gonna go with him? I don't know why they've taken her. I don't know if she's okay and it's the not knowing that I can't handle. So I'm gonna follow him to where they're keeping her, and I'm gonna save her. You can come with us, but I won't beg."

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