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The next morning, Ava woke up earlier than everyone else, and was up just in time to watch the sunrise. She'd managed to pull herself up, needing lots of help from her crutch, and tottered towards one of the maze walls, leaning her back against it as she peered over another. She released a comfortable sigh, finally feeling a sense of belonging. She glance back over to where she'd left the three sleeping boys, to find there were now only two sleeping. Thomas and Chuck were still curled up like children, where as Newt was sat up, looking around seemingly confused. Ava furrowed her brows, sharing his confusion, though for different reasons. Newt shook Thomas awake, and they muttered something to each other, before Thomas saw her, and pointed her out to Newt then proceeding to go back to sleep. Newt then got to his feet and approached Ava.

"Good morning." She smiled as he sat beside her.

"Yeah, uh, what are you doing all the way over here?" He asked.

"Trying to get a better view of the sunrise." He nodded. "You literally couldn't look more sleepy if you tried." She said and laughed softly. "You don't have to babysit me, you know. You don't have to be over here if you don't wanna be."

"Do you want me over here?"

"It's not about what I want, is it?"

"Of course it is." She sighed, seeing him crack a smile.

"Why are you making this difficult? It wasn't a trick question."

"Are you sure about that?" They both laughed.

"I do want you here, I do. Is that okay with you?"

"Perfect." She looked back towards the wall, however could still feel that Newt had his eyes on her.

"You're gonna miss the sunrise if you keep staring." She says, turning her head once more. "Why are you looking at me like that?" She asks, noticing an unusual glint in his eye. He started to slowly lean towards her, and before she could realise, she was doing the same. Their lips collided, and Ava's hand made it's way to the side of his face, as if trying to pull him closer. However, Newt suddenly pulled away, looking away from her.

"I'm sorry." He said, to her surprise.

"For what?"

"I didn't mean to just kiss you like that, I'm not usually that impulsive."

"It's okay. It's fine because I wanted you to."

"Really?" She nods, to which he smiled.


"No." Ava said, determined to get her way. "I'm sorry but there's no way you're gonna banish him and that's that."

"Ava, it's okay I deserve it." Chuck said sadly.

"Yeah, it is okay, because you're not going."

"Why are you protecting him? You could've died because of him." Alby argued.

"Because I can't be the girl that divided the glade. It's not fair that you're making decisions I don't agree with on my behalf."

"All right then." Gally spoke up. "Chuck can stay." Ava sighed in relief. "But you have to be a runner."

"Done." She quickly agreed to disapproval of everyone else.

"Are you crazy?" Minho asked seriously.

"Don't you think it's a little suspicious how she's the only one who wasn't attacked by a griever overnight?"

"Wait, what does a griever look like?"

"Kinda like a huge, mechanical slug. Why did you see one?" She shook her head, quickly debating whether tell them about the her contact with it.

"I was just curious." She lied, with a shrug. "But I'll be a runner, and I'll show you my worth, Gally." Everything fell silent for a moment.

"What did you just say to me?" He asks, taking a step towards her, only to be held back by Newt.


A few days had passed, and while Ava and her brother grew closer, she couldn't feel less isolated from him. She'd been keeping secrets from him, ones she didn't want to have to keep, but did it to lessen the chance of him either worrying, or totally blowing up. Everyday, Minho had been working with her. Making sure she was fit to be a runner after her injury. He made her run laps of the glade, obviously this was in the later stage of her training. At first, she could only do a few steps without the help of her crutch or any other Gladers waiting to catch her. She was glad Thomas knew she was a runner, because he could help her out. However, the thing she didn't want her very protective brother to know -or anyone for that matter-, her and Newt had a thing in the low. It was best for the both of them if it was a secret right now, because people knowing could put strain on them.

"Another lap." Minho instructed, as Ava came to a stop, resting on her legs as she panted.

"Are you kidding?" She asks, totally breathless.

"Another lap, or no dinner."

"Don't you think the reason I can't do it today, is because you took away my eating rights yesterday?" She questioned with venom lacing her voice.

"Go, Ava." She groaned, before starting another lap. She could feel her legs giving up underneath her, not to mention she was starving, running off a breakfast she didn't even finish because of her early start for approximately twenty-four hours. She was about halfway around when suddenly, her legs gave way and she toppled face first onto the floor. She rolled over so she was layed on her back, throwing her arms of her eyes as she took a minute to catch her breath. Her heart was telling her that Minho had been over working her, making her do too much too fast. But her head was telling her she was to blame for her own mistakes. That it's her fault she hurt her leg and that's why she couldn't do what the others could. She sat up with a sudden rush of anger, hitting her leg and letting out a frustrated yell.


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