Tony and the Christmas Jumpers.

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Day 1! The art isn't mine BTW,  this one is decorating the Avengers Tower. Its got everyone. I figured out how to save everyone, (if you want to know details look in my book called "A call for help," under the chapter "Saving the MCU," but basically everyone is alive and Steve isn't old.) Based after Endgame. The Avengers compound has been rebuilt and is fine.

Pairings : Steve X Bucky, Tony X Pepper, Wanda X Natasha (I just dont like Vision, sorry)

This is part one. Part 2 will be then actually decorating.


Tony was a very outgoing person. This meant that Christmas started on the first of Decmeber and no room was left untouched by Christmas. He has pulled some strings and got all of the Avengers, plus Doctor Strange and Loki, to come to the Avengers Compound to help with decorations. It would proabbly take a week at least, so they needed all the help they could get.

Everyone apart from those who had families to go to (Peter, Clint, Scott and T'Challa & Shuri) would be spending Christmas in the compound, but they would still have a massive party with everyone, a couple days before.


Tony collected Peter from May, Peter promising to call her every night he was there, then they were on the way to  the Compound.

"When we get there, we will have a team meeting. Everyone will be briefed. Then we will have jumpers, which you must wear because I spent ages getting the right ones, then we begin." Tony says, into the installed comunication system in his car. It is connected to thier coms and JARVIS, as well as Karen, FRIDAY and the Avengers Phones. Those who have them of course.

There are sound of agreement, a few stifled giggles and the bonk of a head against a wall. Peter thinks it would probably be Pepper.

They arrive, and go to the meeting room. Everyone except the two Asgardians have arrived.
"Hey, where's Thor and Loki?" Peter asks, after lokking around the room.

"They got help up, they should be here soon," Steve says

"Held up how?" Tony asks, opening a cupoard full of bags

"Loki kept turning into household objects, and Thor couldn't find him," Rhodey explains, and Peter laughs.

Suddenly, a loud clap of thunder indicated that the two gods had arrived. Thor flew in, with Loki holding on.

Everyone smiled, this was going to be fun.


Tony had gone all out with the jumpers.

Tony: I saw a Cap themed one. And I thought it would only be proper to give it to you  Steve. I mean, you are the man behind the jumper.

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