Chapter 23

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[Your POV]

"Out of the way!" I tried raising my voice, wondering why it was suddenly so crowded in the hallways, I expected Jakushi's booth to be the crowded one since she had to hire and rent so many things just for her stupid dumb booth. 

As I made my way to the front of the crowd I could tell that the others were following from behind, but what shocked me was the scene in front of me. The whole booth was vandalized, and a mess, everything was on the floor. Every ingredient looked like it was thrown around, the blender was in the floor spilling a chocolate shake. "[L/n]!" a shorter orange brown haired girl waved at me, "Natsuki?" I recognized the voice, she was second in charge ever since we were all grouped together. "What happened?" I felt like I wanted to break down and scream but I didn't even know who did it, "Jakushi happened.. Only me and Sato were left in the booth since Yuma left to the bathroom." She explained, "She was talking to two boys who seemed like they weren't from around here.. I'm assuming they are in class D." The shorter girl paused, "Then they both came to our booth to order some snacks. Trust me it was a big order and they managed to pay before eating but then they begin messing with the booth and throwing food around." She sighed and held her forehead as she looked at the mess. How are we supposed to clean this now? I angrily went to Jakushi's booth where she was relaxing in one of the couch she rented for this event. "Oh [L/n], are you gonna ask me to help you or something?" She was using her phone to message someone. "What the hell, Jakushi." I cursed at her, the audacity that she ruined my booth for no goddamn reason is infuriating.

"What do you mean what the hell? Oh I get your booth got ruined, it's understandable that you're upset." Jakushi continued typing away. "You know you shouldn't get your emotions get the best-" Before Jakushi continued the sentence I took her phone and threw it out of the window of the hallway. "What the hell!" She yelled as she looked over the window to see her broke phone in the ground, "What was that for?" She continued, "It's just a phone! You broke my BOOTH! You know the funds here goes for MY class" I turned and yelled back, "Uhm hello? That's like my class too ya know? Besides your stupid booth won't contribute to anything anyways", "Besides didn't those guys who messed up the booth gave you money? You can use that to like rebuild your booth or like something ya know?" She crossed her arms; lifting her chin up. "Oh I don't contribute? Then let me help contribute to the class by doing this!" I took a half filled cup with chocolate shake and threw it at her. "WHAT THE HELL!" She screamed which got the attention of everyone in the hall. "You're gonna tell Shuu?" I mocked and all she did was just walk away with two othhaer girls helping her to the bathroom. "What is she doing?", "That's so disrespectful", "Embarrassing!" were mumbles that I could hear around me. What's so embarrassing? She deserved it. But maybe I am wrong. "You okay?" Nagisa was the first one to approach me. "I guess I am. I just don't know if I did the right thing." I sighed. "I really wish I did something there." Nagisa looked to the direction where Jakushi went, "It's fine don't worry about it." I comforted Nagisa and looked back to my booth. What am I going to do now? 

"We could always help you." Nagisa offered, did he just read my mind? "Sure I don't mind. Though I'm not sure if my booth will survive for 2 more days after this incident. We used all the money available for our booth for it to be possible."  Why did I just have to be with Jakushi? She cheated in this fund raising competition for the class by hiring professionals so that they can go to her booth more, then destroy my booth which is also against the rules that were discusses. I wonder what will I say to the class? Our teacher doesn't associate nor entertain the class in anyway when it gets to questions, concerns, or complaints. Everything goes through our president, which is Shuu. The problem is will he even believe me in the first place? As I continue thinking I didn't notice that Nagisa and his friend group already started helping us clean the place, along with poor Natsuki who had to witness our booth get ruined with Jakushi's henchmen. I quickly change my thoughts to something else, maybe I can forget about this. Maybe I should convince Nagisa to bring me or treat me to a restaurant tomorrow afterschool or something. He said he was willing to treat me and I don't mind using him for food, that sounds harsh but really I wouldn't use him for food only, he seems like a nice guy and we only talk from time to time. Maybe I should get closer to him more, especially when all of my friends are currently occupied with something. I just need to hangout with someone probably. Now that I think about it, I just realized that I might be too harsh with Jakushi, never have I ever gotten so mad like that. "Penny for a thought?" Nagisa went beside my to help me mop the spilled food and slushie, he made me giggle for some reason. "I never got mad like that before. I usually just leave her like that so she wouldn't get anything out of me anymore." I sighed, "It's fine to get your angry out sometimes. Just accept it for today." Nagisa smiled, "I guess so." He comforted me the whole day we were cleaning and I frankly enjoyed it.

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