Chapter 6

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Your perspective
I woke up, it was a sunday and i heard a knock on my door, 'i wonder who could it be?' As i got up in bed fixed my hair and went to answer the door. Asano was outside. 'This early?' I asked to myself as I answered the door, "asano why so early" i said in a voice that sounded sore, i was unaware that i just woke up and this is what caused my voice to kind of sound sore. It was embarrassing since i sounded sick and a boy. "I'm gonna be busy for the rest of the day but i also need to review you" asano responded.
I let him in as i sat down at
The couch with a pillow covering my chest,"we need to find a method for you to listen and stop getting distracted" asano said as he was unpacking his stuff. "Yeah i know right" I responded.
"How about when we finished what we have learned today and i will give you a small quiz on what we studied and you passed it, you get to tell me whatever you want to do" he said not even bother looking at me.
"Ooh so like you're gonna be my slave" as i had an evil grin on my face. "Yes." He responded and let out a long sigh.

so I did what he said, he thought me some stuff and I tried my best to understand it and not get distracted like... at all.. and he gave me a mini quiz and I tried my best recalling on the things he told me. You see I am indeed a fast learner! and I memories things easily! but I just don't focus, I guess that's my problem. Anyways I answered it and I got all of it correct!

"I didn't expect you to actually focus." he said after checking my answers

"well... of course I did. And surprisingly I learnt something today" I said as I relax my back at the couch, smirking of course.

"I didn't know it would be affective." He replied.

"yeah same here! anyways! for the rest of the school year you will treat me as a princess! which means you are going to do whatever I say! aka it means you are going to be my servant!" I say with a closed eye smile on my face.

"Fine." he said in his normal tone.

surprisingly he wasn't surprised at all that he is going to be my slave, or maybe he is trying to hide his anger, anyways he packed his stuff and left, while I do random stuff for the rest of the day, and went to bed very late, reading books and stuff.



I didn't know I would get so many views!

yeah I am excited because of the views, I don't care about the votes lol, maybe bc I just want people to read my book, so I don't care about the votes lmao.

but I have a lot of explaining to do!

Well you see I have a new account and I am more active in that account since I am lazy to go back and fort between accounts, so I never came bac k to this account! i'm sorryyyryryryry for the long wait! anyways I was also distracted but stuff anyways author-chan out!

(p.s. sorry for the short chapter I just ran out of ideas again :/)

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