Down The Drain

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A little bit of non-canon sci-fi vocabulary:

- Kleptoneasion fusion barrier/vortex shield: A forcefield that delays time for half a second to displace the inside from the outside world just enough to prevent travel through. Variations of the technology is usually used by stage-seven civilizations to isolate wars or protect themselves.

- Space-lock: A device that prevents any form of energy or matter from passing through an electromagnetic field. Usually used to protect valuables.

- the "disk": A shilling-sized piece of tech that suspends a force field around itself and the closest direct object/living organism and is capable of teleporting itself and the object short distances. Can be pre-programmed or remote controlled. Usually used in forensic work.



 "She's WHAT ?" The woman bolted upright from her seat, staring at the monster before her.

"It appears....." The Silence hissed, "That Little Melody has become a Mother..."

"How? We sterilized her at birth!" Kovarian's hands rubbed her temples. "She must have regained reproductive abilities after her regenerations..." The curly-haired villain slammed her hands down on the table.

"She has birthed a single child in Torchwood, in 2010 on Earth. We lost three of us to her. The two scouts in the Pond Home are dead. Several were shot outside of Torchwood facilities. Their manipulator shield is working and we can't get inside."

Kovarian considered her options. It was one thing to raise a psychopath child of your worst enemy's best friend to kill said enemy... but now there was another pawn in play. What if her Psychopath's child and the child of her worst enemy were to complete the work their mother failed at? Oh. Now THAT was a plan.

It seemed that her first trial failed, but oh... now that she had all their data, she could create the most effective assassin the Universe had ever seen.

"Get everyone and everything. We're fighting our way in," Kovarian said.


Kovarian stood with her army of Silence outside of the guarded facility. "Deploy the vortex shield," She ordered, and the monster beside her nodded, relaying the message. Within seconds, the device was fired, shooting like a rocket up and over the gates and into the sky over the buildings. It froze, disappearing for a second before blasting back into view, a purple energy field unfolding over the whole place like a rolled up curtain until it reached the ground in a dome that locked everything -including the Silence army- in. It was like a forcefield, but it messed with time just enough to offset the inside forward a few milliseconds, just enough to make passage back through virtually impossible. There wasn't much that could keep a Tardis captive, but a vortex shield, paired with a Kleptoneasion fusion barrier, could.

"Lets just hope he doesn't notice till it's too late," Kovarian purred, and Torchwood's gunmen on the gates finally got the jist that someone was out there, as everyone inside was unable to distinguish what, and only that there was something. The Silence's memory protection would have to serve them for just a little while longer...

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