chapter 1a

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Song for the chapter:  freaky Friday by Chris brown.

Victoria's P. O. V

I hear footsteps approaching my door,  so I quickly use my pink duvet to cover my face, and try to go back to my sweet sleep.

But Unfailingly, the  door creeks wide open  "Tori!. Breakfast.  Wake up!" The little devil yelled, jumping on my bed as a monkey that she is.

I groan internally before getting up "can't you knock"

"Mom said to call you for breakfast, and I did. Dont blame me, take it up with her.  Toodles" she said sashaying her way out as her braids bounced .

I jammed the door in frustration, sat down on my bouncy pink bed.  my mom being decorator was an advantage,  so my room would never be out of shape. I had a little desk and chair by the side, with a little stack of books on the shelf which I don't think I've touched.

I arranged my bed and went straight to my bathroom, which had a  bathtub the size of a medium jaccuzi,  and a little space for shower at the side.

I put on my neatly ironed uniform and adjusted my curly braids, slinged  my bag on my left shoulder as I  left my room,  ascending down the staircase  for breakfast.

"Tori!.  You've been in the bathroom for hours, do you know what the time is?. Oya eat your breakfast I have a long journey,  and you know your school has traffic!" My mom sharply scolded, her drawn eyebrows in an angry row.

"Good morning mum"

" Morning, eat fast and meet me in the car"

I ate in a rush and drank my orange juice, as  we entered the new car which was a Tesla, but no we didn't.  There was no fuel inside, which was so infuriating I loved the Tesla so much.

"Pom pom" the car horned in the traffic we were stuck in , my mom was right,  and in any second now she'll start blaming me.

" Tori!. Can you see?, if I start talking now it'll be as if I'm talking too much, see the traffic you caused" she hissed keeping her eye on the road, her manicured nails diving a punch unto the car hoot.

I rolled my eyes internally,  while Ini had her headphones in,  watching whatever movie in the car .

The car had like a movie player or something, you just had to connect to USB.

My mom was very spendy, our new Tesla is working just fine but she had to buy another car.

We finally got to my school gate,  my mom halted at the entrance since parents cars where not allowed in,  it looked like more a university but more beautiful.

"I love you guys , bye" she waved as Ini and I did the same before she was out of view.

Ini went to the bus shuttle where they take them to the primarily building , I waved her off.

As I got to the main building it was ghost silent,  you could literally hear words like "That's correct!" and a resounding clap was heard.

Suddenly I heard a voice.  That deep voice which sends shivers down anyone's spine. Our principal  "What are you doing out here young lady?'

Edited Version! 2022
Heyyyy I made it to these chapter lovelies now the riddle for this chapter is Mary's mother has two daughters one is jiel and the other one is? . so if you get it right I'll tag you in my books , love ya , goodluck.

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