Chapter 20- He's my little brother Asta Vangeance

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While Asta was explaining what happened to him in the past years to Mimosa after she asked a question, Yuno was also there, he got permission to go there because he has the wind spirit with him. Yuno heard Asta's explanation, and now he's certain that Asta Vangeance is indeed the same Asta that was raised in the church taht disappeared nine years ago.

Yuno was happy that Asta Vangeance is the same person as Asta Vangeance, 'Yes I have confirmed it now! I could go talk to him and take him back as my little brother. I'm sure he'll agree we have spent a little time together when we were both smaller. Then, since he has a relationship with William Vangeance, he could ask if both of us could join the Golden Dawn. We'll be known as the golden brothers, the best duo.' thought Yuno, he forgot about the part that William is Asta's real brother, or at least a cover up which no one else would ever know.

Then, Yuno heard footsteps, he decided to ignore it though, he was going to talk to Asta but then he thought that he would do it the next day since he can't cause a ruckus in front of nobles and royals, it could get him in a lot of trouble. Suddenly, clapping sounds were heard, Yuno quickly turned around and saw William right in front of his eyes.

"William Vangeance. The only squad captain that did not let me join their squad." said Yuno.

"Hello Yuno, you seem like you didn't like it very much at the magic knights entrance exams. Spying on my youngest brother?" said William.

"No I am not spying on him. Why would you ask me that?" said Yuno pretending he wasn't spying on Asta.

"Hm, I thought I saw you. So you're still unhappy I didn't raise my hand?" asked William.

"Oh I course I wasn't happy. But, I'll soon be in your squad. I was Asta's older brother and I'm sure we can go as brothers again. Then, I'm sure you'll agree to let us both join after Asta asks you." said Yuno.

"So you were spying on my youngest brother, you were lying. Magic knights wouldn't lie to another, and definitely not squad captains. They wouldn't lie except if they're facing an enemy." said William.

"I am facing an enemy. You were the one who took my brother." said Yuno.

"I didn't take him, plus, you said it yourself, he was you brother, now he's not. He found out the truth, you were spying on him so you wouldn't also heard what he explained to Mimosa Vermillion." said William.

"Too bad I'm taking him back, we grew up together and I'm sure he would agree. He'll be my brother again soon, not yours. He's my little brother." said Yuno.

William's eyes changed changed, they held hatred in them, the kind aura around him was now different as well, it was a much darker aura.

"You brat...." started William with hatred in his voice, the hatred in his voice was the same amount that he despises Yuno and the people of Hage village for the way they treated his youngest brother.

"You forget him, neglect him, pick on him and didn't care and you DARE say he's your brother!? I found my little brother who was taken away to see how bad he was treated. You just want him back for your own gains. It's quite easy to tell what your intentions are, using Asta's relationship with the squad captains and the wizard king along with his relationship with the Vermillions after saving their daughter so you could gain some things as well. I never raised my hand up for you because of how much I hate and despise you brat. You and the rest of your village caused Asta so much pain and now you want to take his happiness as well. Too bad you won't steal him, he isn't your brother,he's my brother." said William then he walked away.

Then, Patolli and Rhya walked out of the dark.

"Hm, I knew somehting bad was going to happen. yawn*" said Rhya.

"So brat over there wants to take our brother." sadi Patolli.

"Give it up brat, we know William won't let him go,neither will we, we have a sibling bond with them that is impossible to break. yawn*" said Rhya.

"After all..........we are brothers." said Patolli and Rhya in unison, this time, Rhya didn't yawn.



This is the end of the story, there's no ships in it, just some moments. Anyways I hope you enjoyed the story this is the finale chapter.

!DISCLAIMER: Black Clover doe snot belong to me!

William Vangeance's little brotherWhere stories live. Discover now