Chapter 7- Let the magic knights entrance exams begin

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Asta woke up and got dressed then went downstairs and saw William cooking breakfast.

"Morning Asta, today is the day you're going to take the magic knights entrance exams. Are you ready?" asked William.

"Mhm. I practiced a lot with my anti magic sword. But sometimes I wonder, why doesn't it nullify my magic." said Asta looking at his five leaf grimoire which was in his hand.

"Probably because you have the shadow spirit with you." replied William.

"Probably." said Asta looking at Kuro who smiled back at him.

Asta ate breakfast then walked towards the front door, he gripped the door handle then when he was about to walk out, William said,

"I wish you luck Asta, although, you probably wouldn't need it."

Asta nodded.

"I'll be there with the other captains as well." continued William.

"I know, who else will pick the members for the squads." said Asta then he left the house.

William smiled, 'Well, time to get ready. I'm a captain after all.'  thought William.

With Yuno*

"Yuno are you ready to take the magic knights entrance exams?" asked Orsi.

Yuno said nothing, he just nodded in response.

"I'm sure Asta Vangeance will be there. His brother is the captain of the Golden Dawn after all. I'm curious to see how good he is." said Yuno.

"I'm curious of that kid as well. We'll all be watching you take the exams Yuno, we'll be sitting in the seating area." said Orsi.

"Ok. Let's go now. I'm not trying to be late." said Yuno then they all went to where the magic knights entrance exams were held.

Time Magic: Time skip*

Asta has arrived at where people register to take the magic knights entrance exams, so has Yuno while the people at the church and the villagers of Hage village went to the seating area.

Both Asta and Yuno lined up in the line, Asta was the person before Yuno and Yuno was after Asta. Finally after waiting a bit, it was finally Asta's turn.

"Name and village........never mind no need I know who you are." said the man after looking at Asta.

"You know Vangeance-san, you don't need to take the exams like the others." said the man looking at Asta.

"No I would like to take the exams like everyone else. It's only fair for everyone that way." replied Asta.

The man smiled at the fairness Asta showed.

"Please show me your grimoire Vangeance-san." said the man.

"Here's my grimoire." said Asta showing the man his dusty five leaf clover grimoire.

"You are number 164. Next." said the man.

Yuno was next.

"Name and village."

"Yuno Hage village."

"Show me your grimoire."

Yuno grabbed his grimoire from his grimoire holder around his waist and showed it to the man. The man was surprised seeing the four leaf clover grimoire.

"You are number 165. Next." said the man.

Inside the stadium*

People where being surrounded by birds annoying them.

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