Chapter 10 A wild boar mission gone wrong

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Asta is now flying on his own broomstick while Noelle and Magna are flying on Magna's broomistick which Noelle kept complaining about.

"Damn it, why do we have to do this mission because you and taichou lost at gambling." complained Noelle.

"Yami taichou doesn't clean after his own mess, we do." said Magna.

"Let's just complete the mission quickly then we can go back." said Asta.

Are you wondering how this happened? This is why...

Time magic: Flaskback*

Yami and Magna were at a casino playing cards with an old man.

"I won again." said the old man.

"Damn it." said Yami and Magna.

"I'll be going now." said the man.

"Wait, we'll bet our grimoires." said Yami and Magna.

The man started laughing.

"Fine then." said the man.

A few minutes later, they lost again.

"Yami taichou...." said Magna.

"I'm just kidding, you shouldn't bet something like your grimoires. I won't take them. And here, but, in exchange, you will have to do something I say." said the old man tossing their grimoires back and their Black Bulls short cape.

"And that is?" asked Yami.

"Wild boars have been causing trouble for my village. I want you uys to take care of them." said the old man then he left.

Yami and Magna returned back to the Black Bulls base laughing.

"What happened?" asked Luck.

"Nothing. Anyways, I got a mission for you guys." said Yami poiting to Asta, Noelle and Magna.

"I want you to go to ****** village and take care of wild boars." said Yami.

"Why do we have to go?" asked Noelle.

"because we lost a bet and has to do what the old man says and he wants us to take care of the wild boars that had been messing with his village." said Magna.

Dark aura started surrounding Yami.

"I-I'm sorry taichou. I didn't know you didn't want them to know." said Magna.

"It's fine." said Yami.

End of flashback*

The three teammates landed on the grass near the village the old man that Yami and Magna lost the bet to and looked at their surroundings. The area was clear, they couldn't see any wild boars.

"There isn't any wild boars here." said Asta.

"We need to lure them out then." said Magna.

"Aren't wild boars weak anyways. They should be easy to deal with." said Noelle.

"Never underestimate wild boars. They are strong." warned Magna.

Then, they started hearing foot steps coming towards them, when the person/animal that made the noise came closer, they saw that it was a bunch of wild boars.

"Looks like we didn't need to lure them out." said Magna.

"Should you really say that when there's a bigger problem?" asked Asta.

Magna was actually currently being chased by the wild boars.

"You're right!" screamed Magna.

"It's pretty obvious he's right." said Noelle.

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