Chapter 4- 7 years later

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It's seven years later now, Asta has been living a good life with his older brother William as Asta Vangeance, William Vangeance's younger brother. A lot of people called him William Vangeance's little brother, especially nobles which was true since he is William's younger brother but, he would also like to be acknowledge as his own person not William's younger brother and as Asta Vangeance. Asta is now 15 years old, they celebrated Asta's birthday every year not like at the church where he got neglected after he was five and they only celebrated Yuno's birthday. Asta now looks really, really, really similar to his older brother William, his hair style was kind of the same as him when he has his mask off and their hair are even similar to each other except Asta's hair colour was darker than Williams, Asta also has green eyes and not purple eyes like William, but, that was pretty much the only difference, if people saw William's face then they would differently believe Asta is his real brother. No one knows that Asta was actually adopted either, the only ones who knew was the wizard king and Marx, it was still believable since Asta looks similar to William. Even the other squad captains doesn't even know that Asta isn't William's blood related brother since they look so similar, they just thought that William hid him from the rest of the world because he thought that something could happen to his younger brother when he's busy or on missions. Plus, they could see that William loves Asta a lot so they don't suspect anything and, Julius, Marx and William were going to keep it that way, not letting anyone know that Asta isn't William's brother to protect him if anyone from his ex-village wants him back because of his powers so, they even made a birth certificate for Asta putting William's last name and a birth date for Asta which was the 23rd of March( it's just a random date so it's not real) and they could just say that someone stole Asta when they were both little and put him somewhere which happened to be the church and William finally found Asta and he hid him from the world because he was afraid that someone would take him again, then he finally revealed Asta after all these years, if they explain this, it fits in the story perfectly.

Asta was playing with Kuro(the black scaled dragon) in William's and his mansion's backyard. William stared outside the window watching his brother play with Kuro and smiled. 'It's been eight years since he became my little brother. I felt bad for Asta and I also saw potential in him. I started getting attached so quickly that I even got scared when something small happened to him. Firstly I took him in because we had a similar life, like when my village tossed me out because of what my face looked like, just like how they tossed him out because they found another pretty gem which was this Yuno kid. But then, I quickly got attached to him, it's like he's my blood related little brother, he even looks kind of like me although his hair is messier and darker plus his eyes are emerald green. I will never regret becoming his older brother, not one bit.'  thought William.

Asta looked inside the window and saw that William was home, Asta grabbed Kuro and put him on his head and ran inside towards William.

"Nii-san you're home!" said Asta.

"Yeah I am Asta, how has your day been? What did you do today?" asked William.

"Well, I walked in the village today with Kuro and a lot of people greeted me and they were all really nice, I also ran into uncle Julius who was trying to escape cousin Marx because he doesn't want to do work. A nice lady also gave me a muffin and I did a bit of training today. It was a good day nii-san!" said Asta.

"I'm glad you had a great day Asta, it sounds like you did a lot of things." said William ruffling Asta's hair.

"Mhm." said Asta.

Then, Juilius contact William through communication magic spell.

"Your highness." said William bowing down.

"Uncle Julius!" said Asta happy to see Julius.

Julius chuckled, 'He's still the same after eight years.'  thought William ,Julius and Marx who was also there with Julius.

"Well so how-" Julius was interrupted when Marx said,

"Before you start blabbing about magic and stuff, I'm going to say why we called. William-san, we need you to come to the wizard king's castle."

"Alright I'll be there." replied William then the communication spell stopped.

"Awww, you're going already? You just got home though nii-san." said Asta.

"Sorry Asta but, you already know that I'm a very busy person. I got to go now bye. Oh and, if you're going somewhere, don't get home too late ok? Bye Asta I love you." said William then he left.

Asta sighed, Kuro flew down from Asta's head in front of Asta.

"At least I have you. Come on let's go on a walk in the village." said Asta.

Kuro yipped( don't know if dragons do this but it's a special dragon) in response telling Asta he's saying yes.

The two walked in the village(well Asta walked in the village while Kuro sat on Asta's head) passing by people and being greeted by many people. The two went to the the sweets shop and the owner came out.

"Oh hello there Asta, you too Kuro, nice to see you two again." said Hizu(shop owner).

"Nice to see you too Hizu-san. You look stressed out, need any help?" asked Asta.

"Yeah it would be a lot of help. Could you please deliver there sweets to the addresses on the boxes?" asked Hizu.

"Sure!" replied Asta taking the boxes.

Asta and Kuro delivered the boxes of sweets and it was starting to get late. They returned back to the sweets shop telling Hizu they were done and he gave them a box containing four dangos. They went to a park and sat under a tree eating the dangos then they accidentally feel asleep after a tiring day. 

Asta woke up and saw it was already night time, he woke Kuro up and he ran home with Kuro flying besides him panicking.

"Oh no! I better hurry! I hope nii-san isn't home yet or I'll probably get in BIG trouble." said Asta.

He opened the door of the mansion and quietly walked in hoping his brother wasn't home or if he is home, he wouldn't notice.

"Ahem." said a voice.

Asta turned around to see an angry older brother.

"U-uh......hello nii-san....." said Asta knowing he was going to get in trouble.

"Don't 'hello nii-san' me. I said don't come home late, look outside Asta, it's really late. It's even more late than when I got home." said an angry William in a calm voice but you would clearly tell he was worried and angry at the same time.

"W-well, I didn't mean to come home late." said Asta. 

William sighed.

"You're not going to come home late unpunished, you're grounded." said William.

"WHAT!? I'm sorry I didn't mean to please let me off the hook this time nii-san." begged Asta.

"Nope, you're grounded. I told you don't come home late and you did." said William crossing his arms.

"But it's not my fault I came home late. Plus, being grounded means staying in my room and there's nothing to do there nii-san." pouted Asta childishly. William replied,

"I don't care it was your fault Asta, also..."

To be continued...


I hope you like the chapter.

!DISCLAIMER: Black Clover does not belong to me!

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