unavoidable truths

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She woke to soft beeping and the hum of machines. She tried to raise her head but her neck could not support the weight without pain. She decided that seeing was the only thing she could do without pain. She turned her head slowly to see a nurse walking in. "Hello Ms Covington, how are you feeling? Hows your pain?" She took a shallow breath "It's a lot" The nurse smiled "Ok let me get you something for that" She walked out and that's when she noticed the two men sitting in hospital chairs. Tom was sleeping but Henry was awake staring at her. "How are you feeling" He said, his arms crossed on his chest his voice cold. "Fine" She said in an equally cold tone. "He stood and walked to her side. "I have a hotel room I will be staying in while I am here. I will look into renting a flat for when I am here to see you and the baby" He was quiet and she was thinking. "Ok, thank you" He nodded and went to gather his things and woke Tom. "She's awake" He said to him. Tom walked up to her and immediately held her hand. "Oh darling, you gave me a scare." She smiled at him like the sun. Henry couldn't take it so he snuck out quietly. He made his way to the lobby calling a car to take him back to his hotel room. He had lost Amelia without even thinking. He wanted to try but she was done trying. He thought about Tom and how he had made his way into their relationship. None of this would have happened if he was not involved. The cab drove him through the city and to his hotel. As he entered his room he went directly to bed. He was scared when Amelia passed out and that was a turning point for him. He never thought he would lose her completely and the thought of that killed him. He needed a plan something to conquer her again. If he could.  Tom and Amelia were back at her house two days later with a long list of things to avoid so her blood pressure wouldn't drop again. Henry had come in to see her every day and Tom never left her alone with him. Henry was getting anxious wanting to get Amelia alone to talk to her but also was worried about her health so he kept the peace. The kids were driving down to spend thanksgiving with her in their Salt Lake home. Amelia didn't have much family left her parents had passed and she had been away from her cousins, aunts and uncles for so long she didn't even know their contact information. But she had friends and Derek's family. His brothers and sisters had still taken her in as one of their own and because her house was the biggest they were coming down for thanksgiving as was Ryan and Monica's father and step mom along with some of their family. It would be a full house but Tom was looking forward to it. It would be his second thanksgiving with her and her family and he was thrilled. Henry was of course invited which Amelia was surprised when he accepted with a smile. She explained to him that this was a public even because she could not stop Monica from posting on Instagram. He smiled and said ok with a chuckle. Henry wanted to be there when her kids arrived to be introduced as the oldest had been informed of the situation with the baby. They were sitting in the living room watching TV early afternoon when she heard the vehicle pull up. She jumped up against Henry and Tom's protest telling her not to run. Amelia of course didn't listen. She hadn't seen her babies in a week and she was thrilled to see them again. The men stood and waited out of the way as the kids entered. For some reason Henry thought that her kids were younger and was surprised to see a young man in his early twenties followed by a small six year old and a teenage girl that resembled Amelia in every way. "Momma! You're here!" Her youngest said wanting to be carried which she struggled to do. Ryan picked him up instead "Sorry Bro, you know mom can't pick you up" He made a sad pouty face "Is it because of the pizza?" She smiled a huge bright smile that he had never seen before. She was gleaming with excitement. "Yes baby it's the pizza" She said reassuringly Once the boy saw Tom he ran to him. "Mr. Loki your still here yay!" Tom walked over to him and picked him up "Of course I am still here buddy, how was your drive?" The boy went into a detailed account of his drive up as Tom walked him to the kitchen for a snack. "Hi mom" The oldest said engulfing her in a hug as he moved to let his sister in. He let her go to let her see her daughter. "Mother " she said in a low tone. Henry wondered why there was tension, but was quickly aware as she turned and glared at him. "Why is he here?" Amelia sighed and held her daughter. "Because he was invited Monica, please don't be difficult, you have made your position very clear and I can tell you without a doubt that I agree with you. But still be nice" She rolled her eyes which made Henry smile under his breath. "Just like her mother" He said. "What was that Kal EL?" She dropped her bag and proceeded to walk towards him. "You got something to say to me?" Henry put his hands up as a sign of peace but it was already too late. Monica was in his face and slapped him. Hard. Definitely Amelia's daughter. He took the slap and stayed silent. "You may be a guest but you are also unwelcomed in my presence. Moments later Rhys walked back in with two dogs. One an all-black German shepherd and another a white wolf. The Black dog came to Monica and stood at her side growling at him. "Midnight, heel" the dog sat but still growled at him." Maybe you need to tell Monica to heel too" Rhys said. "shut up loser. You may be all ok with what is going on but I am not stupid." Rhys went up to his sister and put his hand on her shoulder. "Dad wouldn't want us to fight, you know that, He trusted mom and her choices" She rolled her eyes still keeping henry in her sight. She unclenched and held her hand out. "Nice to meet you Henry" She said with a bit less bitterness. "Nice to meet you too Monica" He wanted to apologize but he knew it wasn't the time. Tom who had been getting Silas a snack walked back into the room minus Silas who was gone somewhere in the house. "Hey Tom nice to see you again" Monica hugged the tall man tightly smiling warmly at him. Rhys closed the front door and went up to Henry. A towering young man standing tall Henry thought he was almost as tall as him but realized he actually was a few inches taller. "Nice to meet you Henry" he shook his hand a firm shake. He smiled and returned the gesture to him. Rhys and Monica both towered over their five foot nothing mother giving her a hug. "I missed you guys! How is everything going?" They walked into the family room where Silas was already sitting watching a show on one TV with his snack. Amelia and Tom sat on one seat and Ryan went to the video games. Henry was intrigued as he loved gaming although he was more PC than console. "Hey what are you playing?"  he asked. "Oh Halo, it's my stress relief game." He sat silently watching Rhys play. A few min later henry asked if he wanted to co-op he was glad to have something to get his mind off the tension. They set up and proceeded to play for hours. Amelia watched them with a smile which did not go unnoticed by her daughter who rolled her eyes at her mother. The day was spent preparing for thanksgiving which was a four days away. Most years Amelia liked to cook but now being pregnant it wasn't really an option. So the day before the caterers had showed up to prep everything and give everyone instructions on what to cook and how. It was very easy and Tom and Monica were all over it. They were a team Monica said and they were treating this like a mission which was fun to watch. Throughout the week Henry had tried hard to warm up to everyone in the family. Even him and Tom managed to chat and play games, which infuriated Monica to no end. Thursday morning they rose early to start the cooking process. Silas and Amelia sat watching as Silas played with his blocks in the living room with Henry and Rhys Amelia did have any immediate family since her parent had passed and she was an only child. But she had lots of adopted family.

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