The Everlasting Titans (Chapter 10)

Start from the beginning

"Calm down Jake she is fine. It's Kate we are talking about." I said just before Kate swooped in.

"Hey sorry I took so long. I found a baby deer without a mother. I think the mom was the one you shot Chase." Ali looked as if she will start crying any minute. Then we noticed a baby deer that looked at most 5 months old.

"Hi! What's your name?" I asked I can talk to any animal, but horses iv'e never tried i have been busy with the other animals.

"My name is Cloud and who are you?" She asked.

"Hi Cloud. I'm Elena. this is Chase, Blake, Christen, Kate, Jake, Justin, and Katia." I said.

"Are you siblings?" asked Cloud.

"No, well Katia is my sister. Chase is my boyfriend, Christen and Kate are twins, and Blake and Justin are brothers. Jake is just our good friend; he is like a brother to all of us though." I explained.

"Is anyone else dating?" She asked.

"Ya. Katia and Blake, Kate and Jake, and you know that me and Chase are dating. Justin and Christen like each other, but they are both to shy to make a move." I laughed. cloud snorted and looked over at all of them.

"do you know what happened to your mom?"

"ya, but she will come back right."

"Um... hey Chase want to take care of her until her mom gets back?" I gave him the look of 'If you say anything i will kill you' and he caught on.

"Yeah Chase! Way to go man!" Jake joked.

"Um... Sure why not she is cute. Where would she stay?" Chase asked.

" we have an extra stall she can stay with the Pegasi." Blake offered. Chase came over next to me to pet Cloud. Then he stood up and kissed me!

"Yeah Chase" Blake said with a snort. We both blushed. Cloud came up to Chase and rubbed his leg looking for attention. he bent down and pet her.

"Aw she likes you Chase!" Justin said laughing.

"Justin go away." I joked.

"It's ok Elena he is just confused he seems nice." Cloud said while walking up to Justin to get pet.

"She likes you Justin." Chase said mocking him.

"Ya ok. I will leave you to your date." Justin said walking away.

"Thanks Justin." Chase yelled to him. Justin turned around and rolled his eyes. Chase and i wanted to go sit by the fire pit but there was no wood.

"Dang the wood's gone." Chase said.

"I got it." I said. I toughed the pit and fire erupted but didn't burn me. I love my power i can light things on fire whenever i want.I only use it for good though. So we sat there and stargazed until curfew.

"Goodnight Chase. I love you." I said going into my room.

"I love you too." he said hugging me. then we went to sleep. That night I had a dream of me falling and some up screaming. Chase ran in and looked worried.

"I was just dreaming about the fall today. I'm ok." I stammered.

" Are you sure? Do you want me to stay with you?" Chase asked wearily.

"Um if you want to stay" I blushed.

" Hey, I have an idea! Let's go on a walk. How does that sound?" Chase asked me.

"Oh sure that sounds fun." I said. What I didn't know was that it is a full moon night and the hybrids and Ultamites are out. The hybrids aren't as dangerous as the Ultamites, because they are only vampire, werewolf mixes. The Ultamites are vampire, werewolf, mermaid, wizard mixes.They are highly dangerous. If they bite you, you turn into one of them and have to be trained before you turn into a rouge wich kills anything that moves without thinking. I have been scared of them since I heard about them when I was 11. So we went outside and I didn't realize it was a full moon. I was just focused on Chase and where we were going. Like five minutes in we heard a noise.

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