Chapter 18

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"I know I'm very lucky to even have seen the tlatoani but now that he's asking this from me I'm not sure if I can even fulfill it"

Quiahuitl nodded and thought for a while before answering "first we need to get the tlatoani to trust you then get rid of the blockade, let them have salt and then we'll try to get their friendship. If it doesn't work at least they won't hate us as much... So about astronomy, what do you have in mind?"

"Back on my world we discovered a lot of things that you might find interesting or helpful"

"Like what? We look up at the sky in search of answers. Before you came, I looked up at Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli in search for answers about the vision I saw where our Lord Quetzalcoatl told us our city would fall. The next day, on Miquiztli, I received a vision where you stood there and somehow I knew you would help us. We learn astronomy as an aid to guide us in this life".

"That's the thing, the only information I know are about what's inside the planet but I don't know how you could use it, it won't tell your future"

"Why don't we give it a shot though? Let's find a Tlacuilo so we can save the information for later"


Motecuhzoma walked into his room, he took off his heavy tilmatli and let it drop on the floor so the servants could take it away later and burn it down. The great ruler was tired for the day and was eager to retire for the day. He sighed heavily as he finally took off his Xiuhuitzolli and the golden piercing on his nose, he closed his eyes but as soon as he did, he heard a sound behind him. The man turned around startled and saw a blue faint light in the middle of his room. He stared with wide eyes at the strange light that appeared on his chambers. It was a faint blue and white light, the man was too stunned to even move. He just stared at the light. The more he stared the more he could faintly see an image on the orb, whispers became apparent and soon he understood what had to be done. 


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Melissa sighed as she looked around the forest, it was more desolated than what she thought it would be, she was glad she didn't want to draw any attention. She walked beside the Montezuma Cypress and following the path she ended up in the reading area.

The girl sat down in one of the colourful benches and took out a book she purposely took from her grandma to appear normal, she opened it and began reading to pass the time, the gentle ambience music calling her racing thoughts and letting her focus on what  she was reading.

She had arrived pretty early so there were a few people still on the the area along with her si she decided to wait even more time for everyone to leave, if she wanted ti do things right no one could see her and no one could know where she was going.

A few hours passed and slowly the people began leaving the reading area, Melissa continued reading her book while counting how many people were left in the area with her. When there were only two left she closed her book and glanced around the surrounding trees, trying to spot one that could cover her enough.

Dusk was arriving and the two people finally left, Melissa ran towards the trees and crouched down, keeping her breathing calm to keep compose herself and stared at the entrance. As night approached a man arrived, he glanced at the benches, turned off the ambience music and exited the entrance before closing it and putting the lock on.

Melissa began shaking as it dawned on her what she was doing, she thought of running towards the entrance and start screaming for help. She stood up ready to sprint before she remembered why she was there, she clutched her backpack and sat down on the floor.

Soon night arrived and Melissa wanted to go home, she didn't like the sounds of the forests, especially at night. The critters were making their usual sounds and the rustle of leaves should've calmed  her down but it didn't.

Melissa opened her backpack and took out her flashlight before standing up and finally entering the cave in the reading area.

Edited :)

June 24th,2022

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