Chapter 13

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It didn't take long for Mariana to come up with a plan that she thought would be flawless. The next day she woke up early and gathered her thoughts before eating her room and going downstairs to where her parents were already having breakfast.

"Good morning Mariana" her mother said, glancing at her. Mariana smiled too and sat down on with them.
"What's the plan for today?" She asked, nibbling at some toast.

Her father stopped reading the newspaper and answered instead of her mom "we'll help Itzmin's parents once more and you're coming with us"

Mariana furrowed her brows annoyed but she reminded herself of her plan. "Actually..." both of her parents looked up, attentive. "I kind of was thinking that maybe I could spend some time with grandma? This whole disappearance has messed me up a little bit. While you're out helping Itzmin's parents I could stay with grandma and get a change of scenery"

Her father stared at her, thinking. "I don't know Mariana..." her mother nodded "your grandma lives near the Bosque de Chapultepec, a lot of people go missing there"Ariana rolled her eyes "that's just an urban legend mom! No one has disappeared. Please mom, dad, let me go I haven't seen grandma in over a year and I'm very overwhelmed by the disappearance"

After pondering for a while her father sighed. "Fine, but only for a week, school has suspended classes temporarily but you still have to continue once they return."

Mariana nodded sheepishly.
"I'll call your grandma and let her know you'll be visiting her soon"

"Soon as in later?" Her mother shook her head hard and stood up taking the dirty plates with her. "Soon as in after this week ends" Mariana scoffed. "Why?"

Her father patted her shoulder before grabbing the dirty glasses and taking them to the kitchen. "We still have to help Itzmin's parents and we can't drive you at this moment."

"Fine!" Mariana clenched her teeth and began thinking, gripping the amulet that now laid on her chest. After much thought she excused herself and ran towards her room. Once inside she locked the door and grabbed the dark mirror carefully. It barely reflected her image, filled with dirt. She grabbed a damper cloth and began cleaning it until it shone, she stared at it hoping to find answers.

"You haven't delivered the mirror to me yet"

She gave a little jump as a voice whispered, or rather the mirror whispered. Mariana lowered her head and whispered back "I'm working on it but I promise I'll do as you instructed"

"Hurry" the voice sounded angry but after that, the strange sensation she had felt when it spoke, disappeared

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"Hurry" the voice sounded angry but after that, the strange sensation she had felt when it spoke, disappeared.

Hey guys, I will be taking October off writing so there won't be any updates for a month or so. I want to focus on doing the art October challenge. Hope y'all understand, I'll be back for more chapters soon and thanks for reading.

October 4th, 2021


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