Chapter 6

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The sun was long gone when Elena and Mrs. Lopéz stopped searching for Itzmin in the ruins.
-"what am I going to do?" Mrs. Lopéz whispered sadly. -"How could this happen?"

Elena fumbled with her hands nervously. -"I don't know"
Carlos spotted them and walked towards them with firm footsteps.
-"I didn't find anything sorry. What about you?"
The blonde girl avoided his gaze and shook her head. The gloomy environment was almost palpable. The two ladies were anxious while the man had a worried look on his face but wasn't scared nor anxious as the ones in front of him.

-"Who went missing Elena? I could ask Itzmin maybe she knows something that might help us find the person, I'm actually late for our diner, so if you don't need my help I'll leave"
Mrs. Lopéz looked at him. Pressure building on the back of her eyes, she dared not blink because she knew that as soon as she did that the tears would begin to fall.
-" Mr. Garcia I'm sorry, I'm truly are"
The man looked at her confused. -"Why?"
Carlos shook his head, he was rather calm but none of his coworkers had told him who the missing person was, he was frustrated now, didn't they trust him?
With two swift footsteps he towered Mrs.Lopez. -"why? Why are you sorry? Who's the missing person Mrs.Lopez. I need to know...please" he looked at her, if his coworkers didn't trust him surely the teacher would, right?

Mrs.Lopez blinked and a tear slid down her cheek -"It's your daughter" she breathed.
Carlos stared at her with troubled eyes, it took him seconds, dare say even minutes to register what she said.
He almost laughed, this has to be a joke, but no, Mrs. Lopez began shedding more tears and voiding his eyes, he looked at Elena, she was gripping her shirt tightly trying to hide from his gaze while keeping herself steady.

Both ladies looked at him after that word

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Both ladies looked at him after that word. Carlos shook his head once again, this was a mistake.
He ran towards the changing rooms as soon as he could. Panic clear on his eyes, he opened his locker and threw all his belongings aside desperately, finally he grabbed his phone and dialed his home.

He waited. Nothing. He called again, no one answered. Anxiety filled his body and he sat down, he wasn't able to stand anymore, millions of thoughts flooded his mind, his daughter was missing. And right in front of his eyes. He cried. He didn't care anymore, he began sobbing as he tried to call, praying to whatever god that Iztmin would answer and tell him she was alright, but that didn't happen. Instead Elena entered and saw the mess Carlos was in, she wanted to cry too, it was her fault she went missing, she was on duty and she had that weird dream, she should've done something.

Not long after crying his eyes out Carlos walked towards the main office with a stern face,there was no more time to waste. He told the person inside the office to call the police immediately, he complied.

Minutes passed where Carlos just stared coldly at his surroundings and Mrs.Lopez and Elena both sat in silence waiting for the authorities. They didn't take long.

Carlos explained what happened with the help of both ladies. The four cops nodded and took out flashlights.
They began scouting all the place while one stayed behind and began filing a report of a missing child.

-"where was the child last seen?" He asked as he scribbled down some notes about Itzmin.
Mrs.Lopez cleared her throat -"in the ruins

The policeman nodded and wrote that down "did anyone see someone leaving the museum suspiciously?"
Elena shook her head  -"the cameras showed nothing if the sort, sir"
Before Elena could even finish her sentence the policeman continued -"clothes she was wearing?"
Carlos's eyes were filled with sadness -"a purple shirt with gray pants"
The policeman nodded and returned with the questioning -"any physical characteristics that will make it easier for anyone to find her?"

Carlos shook his head "not really, apart from the birthmark on her shoulder I don't believe so"
The policeman nodded and close his little notebook Amber Alert will be notified shortly" he looked at Carlos -"we'll find her sir"

The man gave a curt nod then he stepped away and began dialling a number he wanted to avoid at the moment.
Carlos sighed and took a few seconds to recollect himself -"hey sweetie, how are you?"

The female laughed softly-"I'm quite well honey, I'm still at work though, so maybe I'll stay here instead of arriving late at night"
The man nodded as if his wife could somehow see him -"alright"

After a few seconds the woman spoke again -"can I talk with Itzmin? I haven't talked to her today"
The dark haired man grabbed his head and muffled a sniff. -"Carlos?" The woman spoke again.
-"Melissa I'm sorry" he managed to say. Silence.
-"Carlos. What happened? "
-"Itzmin went missing"
Silence again, but now, Melissa was trying to hold back her tears. -"what? How? Where?"
Carlos didn't know so he told her just that and they both cried, trying to
support each other and say 'it'll be alright, she's safe' but deep down they feared the worst.

I'm working on the Spanish translation so I'll be taking a break (plus doing these drawings do take me some time xd)

February, 18th,2021

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