you're my galaxy- k. momota

Start from the beginning

  on the way there, you passed a terrified keebo cornered by miu.

  you groaned and sat down in the chair. "good morning, miss y/n. your platter." kirumi slid a plate in front of you, topped with pancakes and syrup, along with a glass of water and scrambled eggs. you dug right in.

  "twis is rewwy good krumi, thwnk you!" you thanked her with a mouth full of food. she smiled and took a slight bow, heading back to her seat.

  "yeah, at least i don't have to feed you since you're apparently so tired."

shwut up!" you yelled jokingly. "i know you'd want to feed me." his cheeks went red at that statement, and kokichi put his hand over his mouth and laughed.

  time skip about another week

  "can we talk? later tonight in my lab." kaito asked. you got up from tying your shoes. "uhh, sure. is something wrong? you seem nervous." you replied. he shook his head quickly. "n-nothing. i've got something to do today so we can't hang out," he replied, and you frowned. "oh, okay. well, i'll see you tonight then." you gave him a small smile. "see you tonight." he gave you a small hug and bolted out of the room.

  what was he so jumpy for? did something happen?

  you sighed, taking off your shoes and hopping back into bed. you had stayed up late the previous night training with kaito.

  it was more talking and telling stupid stories than training, but it was still lots of fun.

  you loved the stories he'd tell. it was adorable how he was so passionate about some place he'd never even been. he could talk about it all day if he wanted to, but he preferred to hear your stories; although you didn't have as many interesting ones.

  by the time the nighttime announcement had played, you stayed in the courtyard and watched the stars with kaito. you could hear his speedy heartbeat as you laid your head on his stomach. you were enveloped in his cologne-scented jacket. your hands were gripped onto his shirt, as you looked up at the stars and listened to him point and tell you what each one was.

  each time he spoke you could feel his hot breath traveling from your cheek to your neck and sending shivers down your spine. sometimes he would grab your hand to make sure you were still awake, and that made your heart beat even faster.

  you were in love with him. there wasn't anything else to say. you loved him more than anything. if anyone took him from you, life wouldn't be the same. you needed his reassurance and attention. you loved the way his voice would sound like a tune to your ears when he sang random karaoke songs to you, or when you watched him gel his hair with this peaceful look on his face.

  you wanted him.

  you woke up abruptly from your 'nap' which ended up being about 5 hours. you had slept in your normal sleepwear, a pair of comfy pants and a baggy tshirt. man, was he going crazy on your doorbell.

  "would you shut up, dork? i'm coming." you giggled, opening the door and meeting eyes with the familiar face. he chuckled, grabbing your hand. "ready to go?" he asked, and you blushed and nodded.

  he took you upstairs to his lab, almost bouncing with excitement. he opened the door, turning the lights on and revealing a galaxy printed sky. the stars moved and soft music ran throughout the room in a calming state.

  you sat down on the couch, shivering. "what, are you cold or something?" he asked. "jesus, did you set the temperature in here to 20°?" you shook. "what? no, why would i do that? take my jacket." he pulled the jacket off his arms and draped it on top of you. you slid your arms through the sleeves and enveloped yourself in the warm, soft jacket.

  little did you know this idiot set the temperature to freezing just so he could do that.

  "why don't you lay down?" he asked, extending the recliners. "alright." you breathed, laying down on your back. he laid beside you, arms folded over his chest. you watched the stars move elegantly across the ceiling, each one so mesmerizing and none like the other.

  "so, i wanna ask you for advice." he starts. "alright then." you hummed in response, and he sighed. "there's this girl i like. she's really pretty and i love spending time with her. i didn't think we'd come this far. she means more than anything to me and i think i'm in love with her."

  you could feel your heart shatter at the words that escaped from his mouth. it was probably maki. you let out as small of a sentence you could, your throat feeling as if it would close up from how scared you were.

  "well, do you know if she loves you back?" you inhaled. oh god. here comes the answer. if it's a yes, heartbreak. if it's a no, he'll probably tell her, so also heartbreak. "i don't know, do you?" he replied sheepishly.

  "uh, i don't know i think- WAIT WHAT!?" you sat up, looking down at the pink-tinted boy. he sat up. "i said i'm in love with you. do you love me back?" he smiled, struggling to keep eye contact.

  you didn't know how to respond. your eyes averted to every object in the room. the lamp, the light switch, the air conditioner, the blankets, the recliner handles, kaito's lips-

  kaito's lips. that was what you wanted, wasn't it?

  without a second thought you crashed your lips onto his. his eyes stayed wide open at first, and without hesitation he grabbed the back of your neck and pushed your bodies closer. you felt as if the world had escaped from your eyes. you just saw darkness, but you were welcomed back with the smell of his cologne and the gentle and soft feeling of his lips on yours.

  you pulled away, almost out of breath. he looked you in the eyes, wrapping his arms around you. "please, stay safe for me. i don't wanna lose you to anyone else. please don't leave me." he smiled, choking back tears of happiness. he finally got everything he wanted. you rubbed small circles on his back, feeling the warmth of his body against yours.

  "i won't."


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