George blinked down at his completely healed leg. "That's pretty handy," He said.

She looked up at him with a smile. "Thanks. Just your face next."

She reached up to touch his cheek but he gently grabbed her hand. "I'm sorry, about all this. I lost my cool again."

"It's okay, I lost my cool too."

He smirked, "now that was pretty hot. I didn't know you knew how to muggle duel."

She laughed. "Don't go saying that. It was my first time in a fistfight."

"Well, you could have fooled me."

"Seriously though George don't be sorry. I should have warned you two about Mac. I knew he'd probably be there and should have known he'd start something with you."

"What did he say to get you so worked up?" Fred asked George entering with his pants.

He looked at Lyra. "He called Lyra a freak."

Lyra broke out in a grin. "You broke Mac Taylor's nose because he called me a freak?"

"Listen." George said, "Nobody gets to make fun of you but us Weasleys, and no one is allowed to bad mouth you period."

"Guess this is why you didn't let me tell him about the Slytherins," Fred said.

Lyra gawked at him. "Weasley you snitch!"

Fred quickly ducked out of the bathroom before Lyra could turn her wand on him.

"What about the Slytherins?" George asked narrowing his eyes.

"I'm not telling you this until you swear not to beat anybody up."

"You're not in a place to make demands."

"Yeah? And how about I don't patch up your face, and you can go home and explain to your mother that you've been fighting with a bunch of muggle kids?"

"Fine." He sighed. "I will refrain from punching anymore Slytherins in the face on your behalf."

Lyra smiled, "thank you."

He reached out and grasped her arms, tugging her close to him. "Now tell me what happened? With Mac and The Slytherins."

She gave him a confused look.

"You were nervous about seeing Mac, I could feel it. I just didn't understand why until it was too late."

She wrapped her arms around herself, growing smaller. It was the exact opposite of how she was on the ice. "Don't take Mac too much to heart. He was just some neighborhood kid I grew up with... We never really liked each other very much. Before I went to Hogwarts I didn't really have an easy time making friends. So I knew there was a chance he'd say something if I showed up with you two."

"And the Slytherins?"

"Same deal." She shrugged "I am kind of weird George. I have a hard time opening up to people at first, so it leaves a lot of room for people to make up their own version of me. Nothing like a mute mudblood to make a Slytherin snob happy."

She felt George's mood swirl with anger. She tried to send him calming energy.

She leaned into him, "Relax George. I'm okay." He reached up and touched her cheek, his hand red and swollen. "I have you and Fred, and everyone else now. Why on earth would I care what they think, when I get to be with you?"

He wrapped his other arm around her, tugging her closer. "it doesn't hurt you?"

She shrugged. "Some days, but not most. Plus, it rarely ever happens anymore. Probably has something to do with hanging around with Hogwart's most famous trouble makers."

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