Day 8: Snowmen and Snowtogrutas

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Sorry for publishing late! I almost forgot eheh

Fives was going to go back to sleep only to realize it's still snowing on Coruscant. He and Hardcase had researched some activities to do in the snow, and he wanted to try some. So, what better way than to enjoy some time with siblings in the winter?

"Wake up! We have so much to do!"

Ahsoka had woken up second since she slept over his bunk. He had to jump on Echo to wake him up, and he was going to do the same for Kix but realized he didn't want an angry medic to come after him like Ahsoka's snowball incident. He didn't want a grumpy captain either, so he had a cup of caf ready. Jesse woke up from the commotion and Hardcase? Hardcase was probably up all night from all that pent-up energy he has.

"Fives, it's too early to do anything," Ahsoka yawned as she stretched her arms over her head and climbed down from bed. She had her new pajamas on, and the warmth from the fluff made her want to sleep for a couple more hours.

"Yeah, I agree with the commander," Echo said as he shuffled back in his too-thin blankets. Fives grabbed Echo's blanket and yanked it, tossing it to his own bed.

"Well, too bad!"

Echo curled up in a ball but gave up on trying to contain the warmth. Jesse and Kix were already stretching and Rex was cupping his mug of coffee, sipping from time to time. Hardcase was just bouncing on his bed, ready for the day's activities.

He sighed at the bleariness from all of them (except Hardcase). 

"C'mon! We're gonna go out today! I have great ideas planned for us! Let's go let's go!"

"Fives, you need to fix your sleep schedule," Rex murmured as he set his caf down and followed everyone out the door.

"Agreed," Kix yawned.


When they reached outside, the cold biting wind blew into their faces, waking them all up.

"So first, we are going to build a snowman!" Fives rubbed his goatee. "I think that's what they're called."

"Why man? Why not woman?" Ahsoka asked, rubbing her mittens together. This time, she wore more clothing, since she didn't want to catch another cold.

"Why even woman? Some species don't have any genders," Echo added.

"Kriffing hells we are not debating any of that stuff today. If you don't think it's snowman, make it snow woman."

"But I'm not a woman. I'm just a kid!" 

"Then snowtogruta?" Jesse proposed.

"Yes! Perfect Jesse. We'll just name the snowpeople based on their species."

"Can we just get started? Less talking, more doing?" Hardcase asked, his hands fidgeting from the lack of activity. Rex was just standing there, trying to conserve warmth.

"Yeah! Okay, so we'll be split into different pairs for each activity."

Ahsoka's eyebrow markings raised.

"Each activity?"

"Yeah! Different things. Who has the best-looking snowman, who has the tallest one, you know. Okay, so for this round, who wants to be ref?"

Kix raised his hand. He wasn't fully awake, and even the cold didn't wake him up. Exhaustion wins over temperature.

"Okay, you'll sit over here then," Fives pointed at the ground with a blanket on it.

Kix walked over, and laid down, about to roll himself up into a burrito.

"No. You are not sleeping. You are a referee. R-E-F-F-E-R-E."

"You spelled that wrong," Rex added. Everyone laughed and Fives rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Okay, first things first, who has the best-looking snowtogruta. Go!"


They had covered the whole ground with snowpeople of different species and types. Some of them were Ewoks, some were rancors, but overall, everyone had fun. Turns out, Jesse had a talent for building. Fives was ready to go with the next set of activities.

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