Day 7: Shopping with the Senator

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I just realized I didn't have any intention of adding Senator Amidala in the beginning, but I should. So here we are!

"Padmé, I didn't think we would go Christmas shopping for this long!"

Padmé had called the togruta's comm one day and asked her to meet up in the Uscru district for some Christmas shopping, and since Ahsoka had nothing to do, she agreed to go. After all, she wanted to buy some things for her found family.

She was planning to get Obi-Wan a new belt so that his lightsaber stayed with him (instead of poor Cody having to pick up every single robe that he dropped) and Anakin some tickets to a podrace. She was going to secretly get Padmé a day with Anakin without any distractions since she knew they deserved it.

For the clones, she had planned to get Echo a book, since he was eyeing a certain one the other day. She would get a bracer for her best friend Rex, seeing that he always stuck by her and she knew the boys' traditions of switching armor was a sign of great trust. She was definitely going to get some paintball guns for Hardcase, Fives, and Jesse since they had yelled about it for a week. She knew Kix always wanted to be a doctor after the war, so she decided to get him a new coat instead of the standard medic clothes the GAR had given him.

So far, she had her gifts for Echo and Kix. She didn't see a store that outright showed paintball guns on the glass and she thinks she would have to buy the tickets online. She had already gotten her gift for Rex, seeing that it was just a piece of armor she could've gotten from the storage room. She just had to paint it. But instead of finding the other presents she had to buy, Senator Amidala was dragging her from store to store, determined to get the padawan a larger wardrobe.

"Ahsoka, you only have like three outfits in your closet. You need one for at least every occasion!"

Ahsoka smiled exasperatedly. "Well I mean, when we're in a war, I don't think the droids will stop and be like 'she's wearing leather, don't kill her.'

Padmé laughed at that. Her giggle was melodic, and Ahsoka understood why Anakin loved her.

"We are not getting leather. Here we are!"

Ahsoka looked up to see an expensive store filled with all types of clothing.

This isn't going to end well.

An hour later, Ahsoka and Padmé emerged with five bags of clothing. Two of the bags were for Ahsoka, and two of them were some dresses Padmé thought would look nice. The last bag contained Obi-Wan's belt.

Ahsoka had to admit; shopping with the senator was pretty fun since they tried on each piece of clothing that Padmé thought would look good for the togruta. The togruta now had three more outfits to add to her closet. The first one was a set of a navy blue sweatshirt and black cozy sweatpants. She decided those were going to be her pajamas. The second and third one was a dress that Padmé said would be for formal occasions.

"Now, want to stop for lunch? We still have a whole day ahead of us you know." Padmé said as she turned to Ahsoka.



After they ate at one of the refined restaurants, Ahsoka got a call from Anakin, who told her that she needed to be back at the Temple by 1700. She looked at her comm and it read 1508. She turned to Padmé.

"Master Skywalker says I need to be back by two hours."

Padmé nodded. "We have time then. Let's get your friends' presents."

Ahsoka and the senator had chatted on different ideas for presents, and when Ahsoka finished getting what she needed, Padmé volunteered to keep the gifts at her place, seeing that Ahsoka wouldn't be able to hide it in her room.

When Ahsoka went back to the Temple, Anakin's eyes widened at the number of bags Ahsoka was carrying. Turns out, when they were shopping, she and Padmé bought more clothes for Anakin too.

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