Chapter 2: The Scene of the Crime

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"Hey, what are you Scouts doing here?" the MP barked. "This area is off-limits!"

"I'm your new vice commander," you said as confidently as you could, showing him the paper with Nile's signature, "and I would like to examine the crime scene."

The man looked dumbfounded, completely unsure of how to handle the situation. After all, it wasn't every day that you got a new vice commander from another regiment – much less one you looked down upon. However, in the end, he couldn't argue with Nile's signature.

"Fine," he grumbled, begrudgingly letting you in.

You and Levi stopped at the edge. For a moment, both of you were silent, taking it in. You had seen plenty of gruesome corpses during your time in the Scout Regiment, and this one was relatively clean compared to those, so you weren't bothered by it from that perspective. However, you were once again struck by the fact that you had absolutely no idea what you were doing.

Levi knew that, too. Yet, he still waited patiently for your instructions, wordlessly showing his confidence in your ability to adapt and handle the job given to you, regardless of your lack of experience. You couldn't have been more grateful to him.

"Would you mind...taking a look?" you asked tentatively.

"On it," he grumbled.

You nearly sighed in relief, and not just because of Levi's criminal knowledge. Regardless of what you were doing, his presence always reassured you. In any situation, you knew that he would do whatever he could to support you and keep you safe. Those just some of the reasons why you loved him.

Before he could walk away, you murmured, "Hey, Levi?"

"Hmm?" he questioned, turning to face you fully.

"I'm...really glad you came with me," you murmured, knowing that he wasn't accompanying you solely because of Erwin's orders.

His expression softened to a slight degree – imperceptible by anyone except you, because only you knew him well enough to notice. "Anytime, brat."

While Levi examined the crime scene, you spoke with the MP's who had already been there for several hours. Like the first man, they too were baffled by your new position. It took a lot of convincing to get them to tell you anything, but eventually, they relented.

Once you had learned everything that they knew, you met up with Levi.

"Let me guess – they haven't found anything besides the stuff that points to Nile," Levi grumbled from where he was kneeling on the ground.

You blinked. "How did you know?"

He stood up with a sigh. "One, the MP's are notoriously useless. Two, I haven't found anything either."

"Really?" you asked, completely shocked. Levi had shared the details of his past with you, and you couldn't believe that someone of his...expertise...was stumped.

Levi shrugged. "All I can say is that the victim was killed elsewhere and moved here. Other than that, there's not a trace of evidence."

Your brow furrowed. "But if there's no evidence, how did they frame Commander Dawk?"

"Oh, there's plenty of fake evidence," Levi said flatly. "But nothing real."

You tilted your head slightly. "How can you tell it's fake?"

Levi scoffed. "Because it's too perfect. Nile's gun next to the body. A 'dropped' letter from Nile's wife. Give me a break. Nile has been investigating crimes for years, so if he ever committed one himself, he wouldn't be careless enough to leave all that behind. It's obviously been staged, especially considering that the body was moved here from somewhere else."

"But if it's obvious, why are the MP's buying into it?" you asked, trying to wrap your head around the strangeness of it all.

Levi hummed thoughtfully. "I suppose I should have said that it's obvious to me that the body was moved. Most MP's probably aren't experienced enough to tell the difference, especially since it was staged by a pro. But that aside, remember how Nile said that the higher-ranking MP's are already fighting for his job? I'm guessing that they saw their chance to unseat Nile, and they didn't care to take a second look. They probably ordered their subordinates to do the same."

"Greed at its finest," you mumbled.

Levi grunted in agreement.

After pondering the scene for another moment, you mused, "Well...maybe the fact that the murderer didn't leave any real evidence is a clue. I can't imagine there are too many people who are that smart. Do you know of anyone who fits the bill?"

He shook his head. "I've been out of the game for a while, but from the people I can remember, no one sticks out as being able to hide their tracks to this extent, much less dump a body in the middle of military training grounds without being spotted. However, it's possible that this person only works on the surface, in which case, I wouldn't know them even if they had been active during my time."

You groaned inwardly. This was going to be a lot harder than you thought – and that really was saying something. "So, we have no leads?" you grumbled in disappointment.

"That depends," Levi stated. "Did the MP's know anything about the victim?"


"Then no."

Your lips pressed into a thin line. Both Commander Dawk and Commander Erwin were counting on you. You couldn't give up now. Even so, you had to admit that you were lost.

You sighed. "Well, maybe it's time that we ask for help."  

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