"Not really" the glitch snorted, "Just that the Septics' stepped up their game a bit and decided to reveal themselves to everyone. Nothing big"

Dark stared at him, ". . . . W-wait . . . you're serious?"

"Yup" he laughed, "AHa! And you thought I was nuts! They're fooking cracked!"

Dark paled even more, "A-anti . . . that's not good! Why did you fucking come HERE?! Do you have any idea what you're putting on MY family just being here!?"

Anti waved it off, "It won't be long. Just chill. The Septics' will take care of it somehow."

"You just expect everyone else to take care of your messes, don't you?"

Anti just snorted, "Get in the living room, brats. You can sleep on the couch in there" he shoved Sammy forward.

That seemed to break something in Dark and he reached forward quickly to grip Anti's shirt, pulling him up by the collar. Anti was actually scared of the look in his eyes, full of rage, red with anger. He had forgotten how much Dark . . .. . cared about certain age groups.

'Must be the woman in him' Anti reminded himself to smirk at his own joke later.

Dark seethed in his face, "Don't . . . Don't you EVER . . . . touch those kids like that again."

Anti swallowed, "Yeah. . . . whatever"

Dark let him go but was still just as close, "And don't think for a second you just get to lounge about here doing nothing while we HARBOR you . . . I'm putting YOU on the couch. The kids can get their own room. And YOU will be taking care of them . . PROPERLY. I will be watching and if you neglect them even for a SECOND!. . . . . I will not hesitate to throw you out myself. Alone. The cat in the crate and the kids stay with me until the Septics' get here."

Anti grunted lightly, looking away seemingly a bit betrayed, "Thought you were supposed to be my friend?"

Dark snarled, "I AM . . . . . but sometimes you have to learn to better yourself. Take responsibility. Try and be a better person. There's no reason why you have the kids or Marvin. Yes, I know that's who's in the fucking crate. There's no reason for it. . . . you're just keeping them because-"

"Shut up. Not here . . . . I'll sleep on the couch and take care of them. Whatever. Just shut up."

"They're not animals, Anti. Not puppies you can throw aside. They're children who have parents that MISS them. Just remember that. You ARE the bad guy in this"





They all looked down to Kallie who had proclaimed it so confidently.

Sammy nodded, "Me too!"

Dark glanced up at Anti expectantly and the glitch glared at him, crate still in his hand, "Fine. Come on. I know where the kitchen is"

With that, Anti started to lead them into the kitchen when Dark stopped him again, taking the crate from him.

"Hey, what are you-"

"I'll take him into the living room."

"You better not let him go"

"As if he'd be able to run off. I can hear him snoring. You drugged him. . . heavily"

Anti shrugged but finally let Dark have the crate, walking off with the kids.

Dark sighed and took off to the living room with Marvin. As he set him down, though, he swore he saw someone whisper.

Uncle AntiWhere stories live. Discover now