I Can't Wait

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The minutes felt like hours as she waited for the all too familiar white stick resting on the bathroom sink to change. The stick would either turn pink or blue, depending on what was happening inside her. Stevie's had a few scares in the past where she was relieved that the stick turned blue, but now she couldn't help but want it to turn pink- to turn positive.

In her mind, she saw toddlers dancing around the stage while she and the band warmed up. This thought brought nothing but a smile to her face, until she realized that in this daydream the children's father was there too. Gulp. Stevie would have to talk to Lindsey about this. The last time she spoke to him was the last time they were together, intimately together, where a fight broke out between the two of them. She didn't even remember what the fight was about.

Stevie looked down nervously at her wristwatch that her father had given her at her high school graduation. She thought of him and her mother as grandparents. Grandpa Jess and Grandma Barbara. The thought warmed her heart. Stevie's brother didn't have any kids yet, although he was dating one of Stevie's backup singers, Lori. Stevie had a good feeling about the two of them. The slow few minutes finally passed, and Stevie hesitated before picking up the pregnancy test that she carefully placed on the sink. She picked it up with her eyes closed, and after a deep breath, she looked.

The stick turned pink, meaning that she was pregnant. With Lindsey's baby. Every emotion overcame her all at once. She felt extremely happy, but also terrified. How was Lindsey going to take it? After a few minutes of contemplation, Stevie walked into her extravagant bedroom to pick up the phone and dial the familiar number to tell Lindsey the news.

She carefully dialed the number, focusing on each button as to make sure she was calling the right house. She finished dialing and heard three short rings before the other end answered.

"Hello?" a woman answered. 

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