Two Kinds of Love

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"Mr. and Mrs. Buckingham, looks like everyone can finally go home today!" the doctor told the couple. Stevie and the babies had been stuck in the hospital for a few extra days for some observation and Stevie couldn't wait to get home.

"Ugh, finally! I'm so sick of these white walls. I miss my own bed!" Stevie said after hearing the good news. She was holding both of the twins, one in each arm while Lindsey gathered all of their stuff. 

"Here, Steph. I brought the red one you wanted." Lindsey handed Stevie a red flowing dress. Stevie always liked to wear red when she was feeling nervous and needed some extra strength, so she specifically asked Lindsey to bring her this one from home. 

"Thanks, honey. Here take Lily and I'll put Christopher in the crib." Lindsey and Stevie agreed on Lily Rhiannon and Christopher Lindsey for the twins' names. They thought about having Lily's first name be Rhiannon, but thought that was a little too on the nose, so they made it her middle name instead. Christopher was named after Stevie's brother, and his middle name was named after his father, as per Stevie's insistence. 

Stevie waddled her way into the bathroom and Lindsey stared at his babies and his face hurt from smiling so much. Stevie came out in her red dress and noticed his goofy looking expression. She sat down in a wheelchair provided since she was still a bit weak and Lindsey placed both of the babies in her arms as put a baby bag on his shoulder and he finally wheeled them all out. 

"I can't believe we did this. You have no idea how happy I am, Steph. You're amazing, the babies are amazing, thank you for giving them to me." Lindsey whispered into Stevie's ear as he pressed a gentle kiss to her head. 

A tear fell from Stevie's eye as she smiled and looked up at Lindsey.

"Lindsey Adams Buckingham, I am so in love with you and I am so in love with these babies. We created the most beautiful and perfect children." Stevie beamed with happiness and love.  

As Lindsey rolled his perfect family down the hallway, he and Stevie thanked the doctors and nurses who helped them and made sure everyone stayed healthy and safe. They were met with well wishes and congratulations as they finally left the hospital.

They reached their car and Stevie carefully stood up and handed Lily over to Lindsey while she put Christopher into his car seat. Lindsey took Lily over the other side to put Lily in her car seat and started nervously fumbling with the straps. 

Click. Stevie buckled Christopher in within seconds, as if she had done this before. 

"How did she?" Lindsey thought as he was struggling tremendously with his daughter's carseat. 

Lindsey looked over at Stevie with desperation in his eyes. 

"Move over, Buck. I've got this." Stevie kissed him on the cheek, buckled their daughter in, and the Buckinghams, now a family of four, drove home to their maginificent house on the hill. 

The end! I hope you all liked this story! It is my first fanfic I've written, and I had so much fun writing! Thank you so much for reading this story, I may have a sequel in the works!

Thanks again!!!! :)

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