Love Is

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Lindsey nervously tapped his foot up and down as he studied the white linoleum floor. He was surrounded by parenting magazines and strange diagrams he knew nothing about. Stevie was next to him flipping through a gossip magazine where she pointed out an article to him. 

"Little do they know" Stevie pointed and jokingly showed him the picture of her looking cozy next to Tom Petty that claimed the two were romantically involved. Lindsey rolled his eyes, but couldn't help letting a small chuckle out at the irony of it all. 

"Stephanie?" a young nurse called from behind a desk. "Yes, that's us" Stevie anxiously shot up and grabbed onto Lindsey's clammy hand. Stevie was nervous, but let her nerves come to the surface in a more energetic way than Lindsey. 

Once inside the room, Stevie was met with the familiar "this will be a little uncomfortable, but won't hurt, you'll just feel some pressure" as the technician began the probing ultrasound. Lindsey's eyes widened as he watched the procedure. "Calm down Buck, don't be weird, it doesn't hurt" Lindsey shifted as the technician chuckled and he responded with "I didn't know they did-"

His speech of bewilderment was interrupted when he heard a thump...thump...thump. 

"Well, there you have it! Congratulations, Mom and Dad! You look like you're about 5 weeks pregnant. Would you like to take home a photo?"

Before a crying Stevie could answer, Lindsey practically yelled, "Yes, please!"

As the technician left the room and printed out the ultrasound photo, Stevie shot up from her prone position on the chair and engulfed herself in Lindsey's arms. He felt his shirt begin to soak from her tears, or his, he couldn't quite tell.

"I'm so happy, Steph. I can't believe this day would ever come." he whispered into her curly hair sitting in a Gibson bun atop her head. Stevie peered out from the embrace and responded, "we're going to be a real family, Linds. I love you so much." She was overwhelmed with emotion and knew that she had to tell her parents immediately. 

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