Chapter 8: The Most Important Thing To Me

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Hanazawa Rui hasn't slept well for the past two nights. He could not get Makino out of his mind.

There must be something about her that I admire. For one thing, she's bold enough not to tolerate Tsukasa's indifference to her. Secondly, she didn't tell Ohkawahara she and Tsukasa are a couple. She chose to have her heart broken instead. Lastly, Makino speaks her mind. Hmmm.... However, why isn't she contesting Tsukasa and Ohkawahara's engagement?

Rui sought advice from Yoon Ji Hoo, his Korean F4 counterpart. Ji Hoo had a similar dilemma when he found himself falling in love with Geum Jan Di, even after knowing his friend Gu Jun Pyo is her boyfriend.

"It's simple. Ask yourself what is more important to you. Love or friendship? Romance or loyalty? I thought by now you knew, Rui.", Ji Hoo tells Rui.

"How can it be that simple? You've made your point but I know I can give Makino a great future. Domyouji may have a huge advantage over me but should I let that stop me from winning over Makino's heart?", Rui defended his decision. He knows Ji Hoo is worried that Makino may be ruining his friendship with Domyouji.

"All I am saying is choose what matters most to you and you won't have any regrets.".

Rui thanked Ji Hoo for his wise counsel and headed for Eitoku.


"They have nothing to do with this. Absolutely none!", Oto Edogawa pleads with one of her schoolmates to spare her friends Ryoko and Asami from false accusations that the three of them are now peasants.

"We were told to carry out the peasant hunt in this manner.", the male schoolmate snickered.

Haruto rushed to where the commotion was. He could not easily pass as a mob composed of Eitoku students were blocking his path.

I cannot bring myself to eliminate Oto.
Could it be I'm falling in love with her?

"This peasant hunt is void! Please step aside.", Kaito Taira, one of Haruto's fellow Connect5 members, announces to the student populace.

"Are you kidding?! What gave you that impression?", Airi Maya bursts out hysterically.

"You told me to start living the way I want to. Kaito-san, is the donation enough or will you insist on banishibg Oto from Eitoku?", Hase Tenma, Oto's fianceé, confronts Kaito, Airi, Haruto, Sugimaru and Issa.

Kaito tells Tenma that it is more than enough.

"Haruto, is this how you want Eitoku to be known for? You ought to be ashamed of yourselves! Is this supposed to help fix the academy's image and earn newcomers or perhaps drive them away to.... let's say...Momonozono?"

Tenma carried Oto and brought her home.

What Might Have Been? (Hanazawa Rui and Makino Tsukushi arc)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz