Chapter 7: Can You Keep A Secret?

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Makino could not help but be frustrated, annoyed and hurt by the turn of events.

What was I thinking when I thought of going to America to see how Tsukasa was doing? Why am I still hung up on him? Most importantly, why do I keep telling myself that Tsukasa loves me still when he clearly no longer does?

Makino has had it. Furious at realizing that she's been such a fool for Tsukasa, she decided to start ignoring his calls.

"Am I in the middle of interrupting something, Ms. Yuki? I'm actually here to take Makino with me. I hope it's not a bother?", Rui asked.

"Oh, it's nothing! Please take good care of her, Rui-san. Makino, ganbatte!", Makino's colleague and friend Yuki cheered her on.

What is she wishing me luck for? Then again I have been so unlucky in love, in school - everything! Nothing seems to be going right and it's making me crazy!

- - Eitoku Gakuen and Momonozono Academy's Battle - -

"Oto! Look at this. Isn't it pretty? My, my. It's been too long since you got something from Tenma-kun. Oh that reminds me. His stepmother invites us for dinner with them this weekend. Would you be able to go?", Oto's mom called her daughter to tell her that Hase sent her a box of goodies.

Oto Edogawa has been working parttime at odd jobs she finds through the classified ads. Her current job is at the Lawson convenience store not far from where she goes to school. So far none of her classmates has seen her manning the cash register nor mopping the dirt or spills from the store's walls while working there.

How long do I have to avoid Correct5? Everytime they have a peasant hunt my heart starts beating fast that I could hear it thumping!

A customer enters the store just as she begins her shift. The young man took his time selecting the snacks he wanted to purchase.

"Let's have some cup ramen while waiting for the store manager on duty. I have a parcel to claim.", Haruto Kaguragi tells his butler who obeys and goes to the cashier to pay for his master's snacks.

"That will be ¥2500. Are you paying with cash, sir?"

Oto quickly saw who was at the store's outdoor dining area.

Yikes! It's Haruto. What business would he have here? Where to hide? How not to reveal to him that I am no longer an aristocrat like he is?

She excuses herself and asks Haruto's butler that she'll be right back to finish the transaction.

Get a grip, will you? He is not going to know who you are and why you work there. Haruto isn't that smart to figure it out!

Oto returned to man the cashier after composing herself and bravely faced Haruto who by then was getting impatient.

"I'm here for my parcel. I am told this is the shop it was shipped to."

"Please wait, sir. I need to see your receipt."

"Whaaa--- I don't have it with me. It's an online purchase. Besides can't you just call your manager? He's the one who usually turns over my parcel to me.", Haruto bursts out in annoyance.

Where have I seen that face?

Can it be?

"Oto Edogawa??? Why are you working here? Are you- - - no.
You're not supposed to work here unless you are a peasant!", Haruto discovers Oto's secret.

There is no other way to keep lying to him.

"So what if I work here? It gives me a sense of responsibility and how to handle my finances. Asking for a receipt helps us determine if you are truly the recipient of said parcel here.", Oto replies.

"It's mine. Those have the moon rocks I ordered as an amulet."

"What would you be needing an amulet for? Don't you have everything you could ever wish for?"

You're not the only one who has a secret, Oto Edogawa.

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