Chapter 6: Taking My Broken Heart Back

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Domyouji decides to call Rui, Soujiroh and Akira over to meet him so he could be completely honest and come to terms with how he truly feels toward Makino Tsukushi.

I don't know anyone else I can depend on. Jun Pyo is busy planning his wedding to Jae Kyung or is he facing the same issue I'm faced with now; being forced into a marriage I didn't ask for to a woman I hardly know of?

Sure she's the daughter of Ohkawahara Corp.'s oil magnate. With those credentials alone, shouldn't I be impressed and honored to be her fianceé?, Domyouji wondered.

Hanazawa Rui texted him saying he'll be there at their usual spot soon. Soujiroh and Akira soon followed.

"What's the emergency, Tsukasa? Why have us gathered like this?", Akira Mimasaka inquires of Tsukasa.

"Do I need a reason to hang out with my friends? I need your advice and a sensible one at that.", Tsukasa sadly replied. He knows he has a responsibility to his family and to the employees of Domyouji Corp.

No one else must die. It's too much of a cross I had to bear. My mother Domyouji Kaede did not have to force me into a marriage with Ohkawahara Corp.'s heiress to help secure the future of our corporation. That's the difference between us. To my mother, the corporation means the world to her. She is willing to use her children so as not to lose the one thing she prides herself upon: being one of Japan's top global tycoons.

- -The year 2018- -

Who could it be this time? They better not find out...

Oto Edogawa lives in constant fear of being hunted and of having her secret discovered. Since her father's cosmetics enterprise filed for bankruptcy, she's been living like a pauper whereas she was used to a life where nannies, butlers, and personal chefs were the norm.

Her friends keep inviting her to hang out with them at ice cream parlors and to go shopping after school. How could she admit the truth to any of her schoolmates? She has not donated anything to Eitoku Gakuen since they had to live in poverty.

They had help, though. Hase Tenma's stepmother gave her a condition she must abide by for her to keep being Tenma-kun's fianceé. She must remain a pupil at Eitoku Gakuen.

What's with that condition? Why did I accept and obey instead of voicing my frustration and disappointment? Should I not be at Momonozono instead with Tenma-kun?

" You. You better have a good reason to defend yourself. Why have the donations stopped coming, hmm?", Haruto Kaguragi, Correct5's de facto leader asks their hunted peasant. The male student they hunted cowered in fear as the entire class 2-D prepared to hear about the school's latest peasant discovery. Peasants are those who no longer have the means to keep providing Eitoku Gakuen (Academy) with annual or monthly donations.

"My father's company was at the brink of collapse but they struck a major deal that could help us earn back what we lost. If you just give us until the end of the semester—"

"No excuses and exceptions will be entertained nor given. Here's your withdrawal form. Fill them up and in twenty-four hours you must no longer report for school at Eitoku. You dug your own grave, peasant.", Haruto says.

Airi Maya reminds the class that they should donate as well.

Oto breathed a huge sigh of relief.

I've survived. At least for another day but how long will my luck last?

They can never find out I'm an elitist having to live as a peasant for months now because of my father's business failure!, Oto laments.

- - Back to F4, Tsukasa, Rui and Makino - -

Makino Tsukushi could not focus on the tasks she needs to start and finish.

I never should have called him to meet me there. What did I expect? New York may have changed Tsukasa but it changed me as well. At least I know better now that winning Tsukasa's heart back is a hopeless cause.

Tsukushi threw the gold clamshell phone down on her bed. Frustrated, irritated and annoyed by seeing Domyouji and Ohkawahara kissing as she got to Ebisu Garden Place for her date supposedly with Tsukasa, she left quietly and decided to report for work at the dango shop.

"Why have you come? You asked for a day off yet here you are. How did your date go?", Yuki asked her colleague and best friend Makino.

"Well, there is a date going on between Tsukasa and Shigeru right now. I didn't want to disturb them.", Makino replied. "Ugh! All of the places in the world, must he ask her out and bring her to our special place? Yuki, is that acceptable behavior?", she asked.

"Yo!" A man she barely recognized appeared at the entrance to the shop.

Yuki tells Makino that Rui has come to the shop.

"You've come to the store. It must be the first time you've done so.", Makino tells him.

"Is it? I had free time so I dropped by. Are you busy? Shouldn't you be on a date with Domyouji?", he inquired of Makino.

Does everyone I know know about our date? Who else did Tsukasa tell?

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