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James ran through the woods, breathing heavily. He had to get away from HYDRA to find out more about himself. They would never tolerate him knowing about his past and would probably wipe him when they found him. Suddenly he fell to the ground, gasping in pain. A memory flashed through his brain, followed by a feeling of excruciating pain. The memory was of HYDRA chopping his arm off. As he lay there, more memories started to flow through his mind, of HYDRA torturing him and of a man with blond hair. Steve. Steve was his name. Captain America. Lastly a memory if him strapped to a chair while they injected a tracker into his hip. A tracker. They could find him.

Through the blinding pain, he reached to his belt and pulled a knife from it. Lifting his uniform, he felt around his stomach until he found a small lump under the skin. Taking the knife, he made a small slit in his skin, not even wincing from the pain. He dropped the knife, took off his gloves, and dug around in the cut until he grasped the tracker. He pulled the delicate electronic from his body and crushed it in his fingertips.

Dropping the remains to the ground, he pulled a roll of gauze from his belt and proceeded to wrap his wound thoroughly.

Once he was finished he started to run again, ignoring the stabbing pain from his cut. He ran until it was dark, never coming to the end of the forest. Finally he had to rest, and curled up in the tree roots of a large maple tree.

He woke with a start the next day, and kept up to see what had woken him. Looking around, he met the gaze of a startled deer, before it ran off it the other direction. He looked at the sky, and cursed. It was midday, and he had hoped to be by the coast tonight. He knew the building they had invaded yesterday was near the coast, so he decided he would go to the nearest village and ask for directions and get a boat from the coast to France and then to the U.S.

The forest seemed to go on forever, but James finally found the edge of it, and to his luck, there was a small village about forty meters out. He ran towards the closest house and knocked on the back door. A bewildered wife opened the door and stared at him wide eyed before shouting into the house. Seconds later the husband came running and he too stared at the dirty and bloody soldier heavily armed in their door. He started to back away and close the door, but James said something to him.

"пожалуйста, мне нужна помощь." (Please, I need help)

The desperation in his voice must have shone through, because the husband hesitated, then opened the door farther, accepting him in.

"Мне нужно направление к ближайшей деревне, и место, чтобы спать ночью." (I need directions to the coast and a place to sleep tonight. )

They nodded, and showed him to a room in the basement with a small bathroom down the hall. They gave him directions and food, and then he slept. The next morning he woke up early enough to be gone before the village woke up, and trekked through the village and several miles toward the nearest town.


He had been gone two days when the search team got reports of him being in a small village several miles from the coast. He was probably gone by then, but a team was sent out to get him.

When Natalia heard the news, she knew immediately where he was going. The U.S.


James had just passed through a small forest when he caught sight of the village. He started to run across the large flat area, the feeling of being in the open making him tense. It was then that he heard the thumpthumpthumpthump of a helicopter not to far away. They had found him.

He froze and spun, trying to decide which was closer, the woods or the village. He started sprinting the long distance toward the village. In there he had more of a chance of escape because he could board a boat and get out of the country, whereas in the woods, they would keep the flatland under a constant watch and flush him out of the forest right into their arms.


The helicopter pilot flicked a few switches on the ceiling of the cockpit and said into his comms "Alpha one two one three we are in sight of the target. Over. "

"Roger that alpha three five one four." Came the garbled response. "You may proceed. Over. "

The copilot leaned back in his seat "Shooter you have the go ahead." He said.

The shooter in the back nodded and went over to his rifle attached to the deck. He loaded the ammo and waited until he had slowed his breathing and was in between heartbeats until he pulled the trigger.

Far down below James crumpled to the ground as a dart embedded itself in his neck with a sharp thwipp. He fought the wave of darkness coming over him and tried to stand but it was too much and he collapsed to the ground.

"Target apprehended," the pilot reported back to the base.

"Roger that alpha three five one four. Proceed to extraction. Over."

Roger alpha one two one three. Over."

The helicopter circled around to land and landed near James's body. Two soldiers jumped off the chopper, picked up James and dragged him over to the chopper. Once inside, they removed his weapons and strapped him down to a stretcher.

"Target secure, on way back to base. Over."


Dammmmmmmn I'm on a roll. Ok well last update for a day or two.

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