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Natalia and the Winter Soldier had been training together for months, and were pretty equally matched in hand to hand combat, but her gun skills were much less accurate that his. They had gotten close, and he was starting to open up to her when she decided something.

Winter Soldier was not a real name, so she decide to use her rank to find out more information about him that was highly classified, and information that would be kept from the Winter Soldier at all costs.

After about a week of digging, she found his name, date of birth, and where he was from. He was actually from America, even though he spoke Russian extremely well, and even had a slight Russian accent. His name was James. Of course she rushed and told him his name, but never told him where he was from.

In the training room, their conversation went something like this. They were taking a break when she whispered it.
"James. That's your name. James." Natalia said, louder.
He put down his towel and stared at her. "How do you know?"
"I found a file in the office that had some info on you," she said simply.
"Was there anything else? Where I'm from?"
When he said this she hesitated, and he was on to her immediately. Even though he had been told he was from Russia, he had never felt... at home.
"Tell me," he said quietly.
She turned away from him slightly. "I can't."
"Please, Natalia. Just tell me."
"No! I said I can't!" She said, raising her voice and turning to glare at him. He backed off raising his hands in the universal gesture of 'I surrender'. He could tell she was upset, and said that class was over before walking out.

As soon as he left, Natalia sat down on the bench and put her head in her hands, sighing heavily. How on earth would she survive the next mission with him knowing she was keeping something from him?
Wow. High five to self. I actually got in another update. I'm thinking maybe a triple.
How bout that.

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