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He took a deep breath, steadying his shaking hands.

He was crouched on a rooftop, aiming his long range precision sniper rifle with a high tech silencer that canceled out all noise.

He took a deep breath and pulled the trigger, the bullet breaking the glass window and going in between the father's eyes, killing him immediately. The wife and kids started screaming and one child burst into tears.

Blood splattered the table, walls, and the floor. But one child walked to the now shattered window and looked up at him, calling out to his mother and pointing up to him. The mother looked up and said something to the boy, and began to get up to see what he was looking at.

He shot the boy too.

Then he got up and jumped to the next building and ran.

"Good job soldier. A chopper will be waiting for you two apartment buildings down to take you to the base", said a voice in his comms. he pressed his metal hand up to the device and said "Roger that, command."

He continued to run until he made it to the chopper and jumped in, the hatch closing quickly behind him with a whirring sound. The strike team was waiting for him when he got on. The leader turned to him and said "Good job on completing your first mission, soldier."

Winter looked up at him "He seemed so innocent, why did I have to kill him?" He responded.

The commander frowned. "He was a threat to HYDRA, and the continued smooth running of it." He nodded to someone behind Winter and he felt a sharp stabbing pain in his neck.

"Wha..." the soldier tried to say before he crumpled to the ground in a heap, unconscious. Two men walked over, lifted him onto a stretcher and proceeded to strap him down.

The commander turned away slightly and spoke to someone on his comms. "Sir, the subject expressed emotion upon return from his mission, so we sedated him..." "Yes" "Yes, sir. Will do sir."

After this short conversation he turned back to the strike team. "Once we return to base, we are to take him to the memory lab to wipe him."

"Yes sir", his team responded to him.

He nodded, and turned to the cockpit to see how much longer the flight would be.


A little bit longer.

I just wanted to shoutout to @siire4siire
here on wattpad because she has commented allot and her comments make me realize people might actually like my story. Also thank you all my readers for following my story.

Broken- a Bucky Barnes fanfictionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum