First Meeting After Death

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"Bucky! No!"
A searing pain ripped through my left arm. I felt blood pouring down my body as I fell and hit the hard frozen ground with an awful thud. The pain was making me dizzy and I could feel my consciousness slipping. I saw two faces looking down on me as blackness fringed my vision. The last words I heard before I lost consciousness were "Is this the one Zola wants?" And then everything faded to black.
*Bucky's POV*
I woke with a start, with no idea where I was, how I got here, or how I was alive. I tried to sit up, but was pushed back down by restraints around my shoulders, ankles, and wrists. I struggled to loosen the leather straps, causing a sharp, stabbing pain in my left shoulder and a cry of pain from my lips. I looked over as far as I could and Let out a small scream at the sight of my arm. Or, I should say, what was my arm.

My arm had been chopped clean off, with only a small bit of shoulder visible and wrapped in thick, blood-stained gauze. I was surrounded by blackness and could only see what was directly in front of me.

A small door creaked open at the foot of my bed, breaking the darkness for just a second before it closed again. I was instantly alert, waiting for something to happen, when the lights flicked on, momentarily blinding me.

Before me stood a short, squat man who looked to be in his mid forties. He was wearing a white lab coat and round glasses, and was holding a small clipboard.

"Sergeant Barnes, welcome to HYDRA." he said to me in a loud voice.

"Zola", I whispered, my voice dripping with venom.

"Ah, glad to see you're as excited to see me as I am to see you!" He said with infuriating cheerfulness. "Your Captain was not as successful as they might have hoped, as they seem to forget that I am a very important part of HYDRA and cannot be captured very easily,"he continued.

My breath caught in my throat. Was he implying that Cap and the team were dead? No, I refused to believe it. Zola must just be saying that he escaped and Cap was furious with himself for letting it happen.

"I just wanted to tell you that some tests and experiments will happen shortly, so don't try and escape" Zola told me.

I just continued to stare him down with venom in my eyes until he seemed uncomfortable and left.

That should teach him not to mess with me.

Of course the next thought to go through my head was how to escape........

author note: so here it is! My first chapter in this book. I know it's short but I plate to make 30+ chapters of medium length. The first few will have flash backs in them, and occasionally in the middle if the book some chapters will have them. please like and comment, and give me tips on how to proceed.

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