I Tag...

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Tell me if you're already tagged before me and I'll read your own little factbook. =D 

Let's start! I tag...

... @mysteery because I want to be in touch with you again. I regret being too conscious to be an active part of your life and I regret thinking too much about the common rule, "Don't talk to strangers, even from social media.", because we were so open like sweet sisters who love peace, like we've just met personally. I want to let you know that I still love you, Mikayy! <3   :"} ~I MISS YOU SO DAMN MUCH~

... @arianabunnyfreak because I'm not updated with anything about you. Hahaha I think this is an alternative way of saying, "How are you?", "Howdy", "What's up?, etc. I'll be sad if you'll quit on Wattpad. Your stories are interesting, I swear. When will you upload new chapters? You're making me wait too long.   >.< *pout* =) It's alright with me if you give up writing new chapters as long as you're fine... physically, mentally and emotionally.

... @JamieMarieBianca because I believe you can write a new book in one day despite our busy lives as college students. Let's play badminton in Ivy Street soon, pretty please? I'll help you in getting your dream body, or get healthy. xD You know what I mean.

... @heeranshi because everytime I read your name in one second, I can't stop myself from thinking, worrying, and missing you so much. That's why I couldn't help but tag you, too. xD Future first before me! I never want to break our friendship, so go forth and do your priorities first. I believe in you... :) :"} I'm getting crazy... I mean, deep inside me and in my dream, I'm cheering for you and yelling, "Hurry up and meet me here, you best Heeranshi!" Hahaha Sorry for my selfish me!

                         If you're tagged, you need to write 20 facts about you in your new book with the title as "I Got Tagged". Then tag anyone, except the one who tagged you, by typing their names on the comment box. As simple as that! =D

(I really want to tag someone who's already popular but I'm afraid I'll make her busier than ever if I do it. I'm collecting some energy and courage to tag her someday. XD)

Take note! I'm not yet done tagging so embrace yourselves, people, I might probably make you busy. :3 It'll be fun!

I Got Tagged (Too long!? Too honest??)Where stories live. Discover now