What Makes Me Happy

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Many things give me happiness but I wrote what I have, only which I can't live without.

♡ My overprotective parents' faithfulness to their promise to keep the family whole (Without them, I'd be doing something reckless.)

♡My siblings' deep honesty (saying what I'm weak at and then giving advice or help to improve and as their sibling, I do this back to them... The result? We know who the snappiest is among the three of us and we know as well that we love sisters we have too much that there's a fight almost every day, because a single fight still can't separate us.)

  ♡People's back (In return, they've got my back. Without them, I couldn't stand tall and straight, like I've got no rights to show my face in public. Well, that's my thought after being bullied. Thanks to that bad experience, I learned that I should accept people who want friendship, not just only teachers' respect on my determination in studying.)

  ♡Teacher's time for us (Being scolded at, taught lessons, and asked us about what we don't understand, what's so boring in an active community where we gain so many things?)

♡My confidence (without this I would not take the risk of taking any challenge to try and see if I can be more than what I am now.)

♡Talents ("I can do it!" It's something we're proud to say. Can you give this a star? See, you can make someone happy! I appreciate the votes I'm receiving but I never get satisfied with it until there are comments which hint about who really want to talk with me, and I'll be glad to respond back.)

♡Memories (Even when they are not here anymore, there's something I have from them that makes me happy.)

♡Dreams (Something fictional but realistic. When it becomes real, it's a success. That's what I refer to. Not nightmare or something creepy.)

♡Clothes (I have it daily. I can't bear to be bare in public. Another reason why clothes make me happy can be found in the previous chapter.)

♡God's plans (the last but not the least... as this mystery opens a bit by bit, I'm being more blessed, not just what stated above.)

A/N: I won't tag anyone anymore since I tagged almost everyone I followed in Wattpad. If you want to create your own but you're not tagged, then inform me and I'll tag you. =D Hope you're doing fine! :"}



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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2015 ⏰

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