"Alright, let's go to the kitchens." Said Aurelia, "I'm guessing you're a physical learner," she waved her wand and sent the cart off to the office, "Walking should be good for you, and then you can use my research notes, half of what's in those textbooks is self congratulation,"

"I didn't know people wanked to textbooks," Grumbled Daisy as she stood up, and then Aurelia started to laugh,

Daisy froze, she hadn't known Aurelia had heard her, and she felt colour flood her cheeks as Aurelia continued to laugh, 

How was someone like her best friends with Tom Riddle? Their images were almost the exact same, both seemed almost regal despite how he spoke to Aurelia, cold and reclusive if not charming students. 

"I always wondered what Lestrange even did in the library," Said Aurelia, still giggling, and Daisy smiled a little, 

Aurelia was sweet wasn't she.

Aurelia helped Malfoy up after she'd just slaughtered him in yet another duel. He was panting and she offered her hand rather calmly,

"I don't even understand why you try to beat me," said Aurelia, helping him to his feet,

"How are you like-" said Malfoy,

"I duel with my sisters for fun. This is rather quaint in comparison," said Aurelia, and Tom smirked as he won his own duel with Lestrange, "Celeste is particularly violent,"

"You know, I can see that about her," said Malfoy, nodding in agreement, as they watched the other duels take place, "Have you signed up for the duelling club tournament?"

"Ma tante, threatened to disown me if I didn't. Franchement her approval means more to me than my parent's disapproval, and I only get to live once," said Aurelia,

"Unless you are a cat." Said Malfoy,

"I'm sorry, do I look like I have whiskers and a tail?" Asked Aurelia, and Daisy, who was overhearing the conversation snickered,

"Something funny, Bucannon?" Asked Malfoy, and the girl reddened and turned around,

"Just how horrendously you lost your duel," said Daisy, smirking, the same look she had on her face when she won a Quidditch match,

"I was going to give you a free pass because of your looks but now I've decided that I don't like you." Said Malfoy, turning away,

"He's just a pouty little ferret," taunted Daisy, causing Aurelia to laugh, and Malfoy to flush, 

"Oh, je le voix, vous rougissez mon ami," Said Aurelia, and Malfoy nodded to where Dahlia struggled in the rope, "Coquin," Said Aurelia, and Malfoy chuckled, 

"What does that mean?" Asked Daisy inquisitively, 

"Salty," Said Malfoy, nodding, and Aurelia face palmed, "In fact go to any French restaurant and tell them that you like it salty, je l'aimes coquin,"

"Don't say that," said a reddening Aurelia and Daisy nudged her, 

"What does it mean?"

"Kinky," She said, 

"You're kidding," Said Daisy, Aurelia removed her hand from her face as Tom approached, 

"You won?" Asked Tom reaching out and tucking a strand of red hair behind her ear, as a small show in his possession of the beautiful witch, 

"Yes," Said Daisy, 

"Well done," He praised, and Daisy's insides coiled as though a snake was sinding itself around her insides, he stood with an arm around Daisy's waist as he looked at Aurelia, "Do you have to make such a fool of Malfoy everytime?"

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