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dear diary,

chanhee held my hand all day besides when we both took bathroom breaks of course. i felt safe with chanhee.

when we went to the library, he lead me to the back and sat next to me. the way he looked at me like he cared about me. i couldn't help but let everything out right then and there.

everything that went on this morning, what happened two months ago, everything. i didn't mention what younghoon did, just only that we met up once.

chanhee was happy that i was opening up to him and at this rate, i was happy too. it felt nice to have someone there to listen.

after all that, we went to a connivence store and both bought ramen and banana milks. we sat by the window and ate our ramen together, talking every now and then.

chanhee's blush that would appear frequently made my heart skip a beat every time. when i pointed it out causing him to cover his face made my tummy flutter with butterflies.

— changmin

diary; kyunyuTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang