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dear diary,
younghoon asked me to hangout with him today. i thought chanhee would be with us so i went willingly.

don't get me wrong, younghoon's a nice guy, but i didn't know him as long as chanhee knew him.

we met up in a park near the school and we talked for a little while.

i did start feeling a little more comfortable while we were sitting on the bench watching children play around.

the realization hit when out of nowhere younghoon asked if i had a boyfriend.

i shook my head no at the question. what was he asking me that for? is he trying to see if i like chanhee? i'm not that obvious, right? were all the thoughts i had at that moment.

after a few minutes of silence, he grabbed my hand and looked me in the eyes.

my heart started racing at that moment in time. i couldn't believe he was doing this. i wasn't uncomfortable but i was in disbelief.

younghoon then proceeded to kiss my cheek and tell me he had to leave.

when he left i sat there for a moment trying to process everything in my mind and i still can't. it's been an hour since that happened and i still can't wrap my head around it.

— changmin

diary; kyunyuWhere stories live. Discover now