⁌5⁍ ✿ It's A Dededeal ✿

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Most people in Dreamland were spheres. Small, short spheres. They didn't weigh much, as a result. You could pick them up and toss them around like a ball. They were light, soft and squishy.

In your trek uphill, you quickly learned that Meta Knight was not one of those spheres. Was it all the armor? The fact he was inside a large ice cube? Both of those things?

Either way, pushing him uphill was quite tiring. By the time you and Kirby arrive at Castle Dedede, which is very conveniently located on top of a hill, you're exhausted.

Why doesn't Kirby look tired? He's, like, half your size!

"Now what?" You ask, gesturing at the Meta Cube.

Kirby blinks cartoonishly, staring up at you.


"Po...yo?" Kirby shrugs. He glances at the castle. He's obviously wary of entering it. Makes sense, given King Dedede's resentment towards him.

You glance at Meta Knight, who is, of course, still frozen inside the ice cube.

You huff and roll your eyes. "Fine. We'll just sit here and wait for him to melt." You sit down, crossing your arms as you give a pointed glance towards Kirby.

Being Kirby, he doesn't pick up on your passive aggressiveness. He instead smiles before sitting down across from you.

You try to talk to Kirby in order to pass the time, but soon realize the young puffball isn't very good for making smalltalk with. All he really does is poyo, anyway.

Giving up, you just lean back and stare at the sky. It's well past noontime, and the sun will probably be setting soon. You stifle an irritated sigh. You wanted to make King Dedede fall in love with you by tonight!

Of course, as it gets later in the day, the temperature tends to go down. So that probably slowed down the process of the ice cube melting.

After sitting there for so long that you're starting to feel stiff, the ice cube finally melted enough so that Meta Knight could start slashing his way out of it. If he wasn't so rude to Dedede earlier, you would have offered to help. Then again...he seems to be managing it just fine by himself.

As soon as he is free from his icy prison, Kirby poyos happily. Instead of acknowledging him right away, Meta Knight just glares at you like it's your fault he was inside an ice cube.

You huff, offended, and wordlessly gesture at Kirby, who's sitting there smiling.

It's obvious Meta Knight still blames you for it, but at least he finally looks away to acknowledge Kirby. Even if it was just a nod. He was not a very talkative borb.

You roll your eyes. On the outside, you appear annoyed, but on the inside, you're trying to figure out how you'll be able to take Kirby to King Dedede when Meta Knight's standing right there.

You don't get to think very long about it, as some angry shouting and clanging from inside the castle catches the attention of all three of you.

"...That would most likely be Dedede," Meta Knight remarks, looking a bit exasperated. "I suppose I should investigate."

He starts to head towards the entrance of the castle. Kirby grabs onto his cape, almost tripping at first and starting to get dragged. Meta Knight seems a bit confused that Kirby wants to come with him. He looks down at the puffball before blinking, turning back around and heading inside the castle with Kirby hanging onto his cape.

What if King Dedede was hurt? What if someone was invading the castle? You should protect him! You hurry after the two of them.

You've never actually been inside the castle before, and you're taken aback by the architecture of it. There's so many hallways, too. How could anyone know their way around here? Clearly Meta Knight does. Then again, he lives here, so of course he would.

Dededesire (Dedede x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя