⁌12⁍ ✿ His Dededebut 2, Electric Boogaloo ✿

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From inside the jail room, you and Magolor sit together on the floor as you stare through the portal he created a few minutes ago.

He somehow managed to open up a portal on the ceiling of the Halberd's control room, and through the one on the floor, you can see through the ceiling portal. It's as if you were above the control room, and are staring down into it through a hole in the ceiling.

Magolor had suggested that the two of you scope out the scene first before attacking, and you agreed. You decided to hold off on calling John Cena for now, deciding you'd only call him in if it was necessary, and/or if you and Magolor needed backup.

The first thing that was clear is that the Halberd is in space. You're not sure where the next destination is, but you have a feeling these guys will just keep crashing onto different planet Earths until they eventually get the right one.

You've been watching everything happening in the control room for a few minutes now. It's kind of like watching a sad, pitiful reality TV show.

Meta Knight had left to do...well, something on the ship, leaving everyone else in the control room (including Kirby, surprisingly). About 2 minutes after his departure, Vul had fallen asleep on the control panel for some reason, leaving the knights essentially unsupervised.

You're a bit worried at that, since usually whenever those four are unattended it almost always winds up turning into violence or arson (sometimes both).

Things seem pretty tame right now, thankfully, save for Trident messing with the radio communication/announcement system.

"Why do they call it an oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food?" He says into the microphone.

"Are you having a stroke?" Mace asks, seeming somewhere between confused and genuinely concerned.

The laughter that follows Trident's rambling about ovens would suggest he's fine. Though he does go on to spout more nonsense. "Number 6 - the dollar. Next up on the radar is-"

"Give me that!" Axe Knight huffs, snatching the radio from Trident and putting it back where it belongs. You've noticed he's been very protective of the communication equipment, and that he's clearly very particular about keeping everything in the right spot. So of course the others would keep messing with it. Even Kirby had been purposefully poking stuff, which had earned him an axe-smack across the room.

"Hm..." Magolor says, rubbing his chin. "I think now would be a good time, since Meta-Not's gone and the bird guy is asleep."

"Wait," you say, holding your arm out to stop him from jumping through the portal. "I've been watching Mace," you begin to explain. "With the levers and stuff. I think I know which ones control the doors now, and based on the radar down there," you say, pointing to a radar that appears to track the movement inside the ship, "Meta's at the other end of the ship. So if I can get down there and pull the levers that control the doors, I should be able to close them all, either trapping him or really slowing him down."

Magolor blinks, looking surprised. "That's a really good plan," he says, sounding impressed. You smile.

The two of you look down to scope out the scene once more. You notice that Kirby, Bandana and Sailor Dee are no longer in the room, nor is Javelin. Now that you think of it, you're pretty sure he left with Meta Knight earlier. As for Kirby and the Waddle Dees, well...they PROBABLY weren't off destroying anything. You don't see why Kirby would feel the need to destroy the Halberd right now, but what do you know about his current feelings towards Meta Knight.

"Axe I swear to Nova!" Mace Knight's annoyed exclamation jerks your attention back down to the control room. "If you call something 'based' one more time, I'm going to come over there and rip those horns out of your helmet!"

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