⁌8⁍ ✿ Dededistractions, A Battle, And An Abduction (A Wacky Funeral, Part 2) ✿

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Once again, this chapter and 9 (the next one) were going to be in one part, but it was getting too long again. Oops. 3 parts of the wacky funeral it will be, then!

I had to draw that comic on my iPod Touch because Autodesk Sketchbook won't work on my phone anymore. And it's a super old version that doesn't have the fill tool, which means I had to color all that by hand. Pain. Also, fun fact: that is my first ever attempt at drawing Galacta Knight and Marx. Funner fact: I didn't look at reference pictures either for some reason. I just drew them from memory, and also gave Galacta a broken horn for story accuracy™.

The two of you return to the funeral room. As you enter, you're greeted by the sound of Magolor singing Photograph. Except he clearly doesn't know the lyrics, seeing as every other line he's singing is "look at this photograph".

You shut your eyes and sigh to yourself, exasperated, even though it's probably, technically your fault Magolor's singing that song.

"Look at this photograph, should I look at this photograph? Life's better now than a photograph. If I was them I'd look at photographs."

You follow after King Dedede. He returns to the seat he was sitting in earlier, while you sit in Bandana Dee's empty seat. You look over to see that the other chair next to Dedede is empty as well.

After looking around the room, you see that Meta Knight's over with Blade and Sword, who still have Kirby and Bandana Dee.

You shrug and turn back around, facing forward as most people usually do at funerals.

"Every memory of looking at this photo, I found the photo of the photo I was looking for. Look at this photo, at this photoooo...Good BYYYEYE, GOOD BYYYYEYYYEEE!"

You're really starting to regret giving Magolor a song suggestion, but it's far too late to take it back now. Once again, you remind yourself that it could be worse. Kirby isn't the one providing the musical entertainment, and for that, you are grateful.

Looking around, it would seem that others aren't, though. How rude. Almost as rude as Captain Vul ripping up a bunch of paper and leaving it all over the floor earlier.

You tilt your head a bit as you start to pick up on another song playing. It's very distant, to the point you wonder if you're imagining it, but...it sounds like a low-pitched, slightly distorted version of All Star.

Surely it's nothing. You turn your focus back to the small platform at the front of the room just in time to witness Meta Knight rudely shoving Magolor off. Getting the hint, Magolor huffs and floats on over towards Marx, muttering something about "everyone being a critic".

"Escargoon was well respected by us all," Meta Knight begins, and you guess he's the one apparently giving the eulogy. It makes sense, though, when you think about it. The only other good option probably would've been Dedede, and considering how he acted earlier when Captain Vul thought this was a wedding, the king probably doesn't know a lot about funerals. 

Even if he did, he's not the most eloquent with words (but for you, that just adds to his charm! For some reason! Yay Dedede!) Maybe it's because his language is more clear and to-the-point? How, unlike Meta Knight, he doesn't use big fancy words or talk in a "mature" manner? Or maybe you just really, really like his southern accent.

"In his life, he did a lot for not only King Dedede, but for Dreamland. What I'm sure many don't realize is that Escargoon was what stood between us and the king's rash, unrepentant decisions. If it weren't for him, I reckon we would have suffered the consequences of many more foolish injunctions." Meta Knight gives a bit of a pointed glance towards Dedede, and you're surprised to see the king guiltily nod in agreement.

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