⁌3⁍ ✿ Mass Dededestruction ✿

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"There he is!" You exclaim.

In front of you is Meta Knight standing beside Castle Dedede. He's looking in the opposite direction, not seeming to notice you, King Dedede and Escargoon in your car.

"FLOOR IT!" Dedede shouts. "LET'S RUN 'IM OVAH!"

You're not sure if running over the actual Greatest Warrior In The Galaxy is a great idea, but you know you can't dededeny your king's orders.

You take a moment to align your car so that it's a straight path to Meta Knight. Then, with the Masked Dedede theme blaring from the car radio, you stomp on the gas pedal.

Meta Knight doesn't turn to look at the car once. You hear a thump and feel your car shake.

You stomp on the brakes to stop your car from suffering the same fate as King Dedede's, since Castle Dedede is very smartly placed on top of a giant hill.

"Did we get 'im?" King Dedede asks, glancing left, right, then forward.

"Boo," says a deep voice behind the three of you.

"AAAAIIIIIEEEE!" Dedede shrieks, jumping up into the air and landing in Escargoon's arms.

You turn around to see Meta Knight standing on the back of your car. He gives Dedede a weird look before glaring over at you. "Did you seriously just try to run me over?"

"I was only following orders," you huff, trying to defend yourself.

"So were the nazis," Meta Knight points out. "That is not an excuse."

"What are nazis," you ask flatly.

"YOU'RE an excuse!" Dedede shouts, glaring up at Meta Knight from where he's still being cradled by Escargoon, who looks like he's far too used to this. "Ya' kicked our car down the hill! Some knight you are!"

"Oops." Meta Knight just shrugs. He doesn't sound very apologetic though.

Glaring at Meta Knight, you shift your car into reverse and then give the gas a quick stomp, making the car lurch backwards. Dedede and Escargoon stumble a bit from it. Meta Knight starts to fall off the car, but he quickly recomposes himself by doing a backflip and landing evenly on the ground.

Why did Meta Knight have to be good at everything? You growl in frustration as he just backs up and stares evenly at you.

"RUN 'IM OVAH AGAIN!" King Dedede shouts, regaining his spot in the passenger seat.

You comply and floor it again, except this time in reverse.

It shouldn't have really come as a surprise when Meta Knight just did a frontflip over your car when you tried to back over him.

"WHAT?!" King Dedede gawks. "HOW'D HE DO THAT?"

"Well, to be fair, Sire, you did shout your intentions to run him over beforehand," Escargoon nervously pointed out.

You give Escargoon a slight glare. How dare he suggest that King Dedede made a mistake? King Dedede was perfect. He would never make a mistake. Escargoon should consider himself lucky to be graced with King Dedede's presence every day.

You quickly turn back around when you feel your car shake. You see Meta Knight standing in front of the car. The car shakes again, and you hear a creak. You turn around and realize with horror that your car is balancing at the edge of the hill.

You turn back around and realize that Meta Knight's stepped closer to your car.

"Don't you dare, borb!" You shout at him.

Dededesire (Dedede x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now