Frizz The Season (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

"Uh... I-I mean... you do-don't have to! But, i-if you want to... g-go ahead!" she stuttered, and I could still see her eyes glued on me, and not my face. 

I smirked. "Yeah, sorry, I'm kinda hot this morning." I started, but was cut off by a mumble. 

"...yes...yes you are..." I barely heard her whisper. 

"I'm sorry, what was that?" I asked, and that caused her to look me in the eyes. Her pupils danced around as she looked for an excuse. 

She froze, and said, "Huh? I was just talking to myself!" her face turned tomato red, and my brain was turning harder than it ever had before. The last few weeks, I had noticed some pretty obvious signs of affection towards me, feelings which I wasn't sure I reciprocated at first, but after a while, she started to grow on me. Today, during the special occasions of the day, I had been planning a way to tell her how I felt.

"Okay... so... what's up?" I asked nervously, leaning awkwardly against the doorframe while Emma stood outside. Oh, Ferb, she's probably freezing! Let her in, you idiot! "Sorry, Emma! Do you wanna come inside?" I asked. 

She looked me in the eyes and smiled while rolling her eyes. "No, I want to stand out here in the freezing cold and snow."

I smirked and decided to tease her. "Okay, then. Talk to you later!" I chuckled and started closing the door. 

"Hey, you weirdo! Don't get smart with me!" she pushed against the door, trying to open it, and she was apparently stronger than I expected, because my grasp slipped and she pushed me into the wall behind the door. I felt the world start spinning, and then it went black. 


(Emma's POV):

Oh. My. Gosh. I just knocked out Ferb! I gasped and opened the door in time for him to slide down the wall and almost hit his head on the floor, but luckily I caught him just in time. Uh... what do I do? I'm a graduated Fireside Girl, I should know this! Come on, Emma, think! Use that blonde brain of yours! I begged myself, while freaking out over the passed out green haired boy. 

Someone must have heard the 'thud', because I heard footsteps run down the stairs. 

"What the heck is- Emma?" Candace asked, looking over to find me knelt down next to her fainted brother. "What are you doing? And why is Ferb on the ground?" 

I stammered for a response. "Uh... I... I accidentally pushed him into the wall with the door..." I blushed with embarrassment. 

Candace raised an eyebrow. "I'm... just not going to question that. Is he okay?" she asked, walking over to us. 

All of a sudden, all of my Fireside Girl knowledge came flooding back. "Candace, I need something to lift his feet up. I gotta check if he's breathing still." She nodded and ran to grab a step stool from the kitchen. 

Okay, let's see... raise feet above head level, lay down on back... I rolled him off of his side so he was on the carpet laying on his back. Now, check if he's breathing. I couldn't help but stare at his bare chest, and I felt myself get lightheaded. Now is not the time! I knocked myself back into shape and put my head on his chest to see if I could hear a heartbeat. Phew... he's still breathing... very normally, I might add.

Candace came rushing back to find me with my head still on his chest, and she smirked. 

"Oh, you just HAD to do that, didn't you?" she teased, and I jumped up. 

"Hey! I'm checking his heartbeat, ya dingbat!" I shot back. Candace laughed and walked out of the room, and then I couldn't keep myself from just... 

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