His jaw juts, green eyes looking frustrated. "That's something he never would have gave. He's embarrassed about it all - he shouldn't be, but he is -  and I wanted you to understand. I was trying to look out for you, but I went about it the wrong way. Am I forgiven?" 

She jerks her head into a nod. "Nothing to forgive." Gives in to a pause, placating Kyle's real worry. "And I won't say anything, for the record." 

Some semblance of peace takes hold on his face, relaxes the lines on his freckled face. "I know you won't. You are a good person, Asher Miller."  

Well, she doesn't know about that, but if it's coming from Kyle, always so pessimistic about everything and everyone, she'll accept the compliment. They cross the threshold of the door together before being assaulted by a horde of bodies. A song is playing that she recognizes, but it's a tad too loud for her tastes. 

"Stick with me, would you?" Louis has suddenly appeared beside her, having to lean in and whisper to the shell of her ear. "As designated mom friend, of course." He squints, taking in the scenery. His eyes appear rounder without his glasses, more childish. "Bit rowdier than I expected." 

"Bit drunker too," Ash remarks wryly. "I always thought this sort of thing only happened in movies." 

"Never been to a party?" 

"Not a big one, anyway," Ash replies, straining her voice an octave higher. "Not really my thing." 

"Is it anyone's?" he retorts, clearly in the same boat as she is when it comes to this sort of thing. 

Ash laughs at their shared pain, pointing off towards Daisy, who is already forcing (a clearly miserable, too sober) Kyle to dance with her. She figures that if anyone would be capable of doing the impossible, it would be Daisy. She links arms with Louis, pulling him away from a stumbling drunk freshman in scant leather. "Let's see what we find outside, Lovegood." 

"Lead on, Potter." 

The pool area behind back - because of course a house of this size has a pool, a hot tub, and everything in between - is their sanctuary. 

They settle for sitting at the shallow end of the pool, which has a cover and is remarkably uninteresting, meaning that there's barely anyone milling about. There's five people in the hot tub, with the rest of their friend group sitting near on chairs, leaving Ash and Louis some breathing room. 

She's snagged some pumpkin shaped cookies on their way out back, and even drinks the cider, even though she thinks it would taste better without the alcohol. Cider is already somewhat bitter and acidic - whatever is in it makes it worse, at least in her opinion. Louis settles on only eating the cookies, something that she doesn't fault him for. 

"Want to try some?" she offers, wondering if it's only because he didn't have the time to snag a cup. 

"Anyone could've spiked that," Louis protests, blonde curls springing up despite the gel.  

"It's already spiked."

"With other things," he reiterates teasingly, suddenly watching her closely. "I'm waiting for you to keel over." 

She snickers at the image that takes hold. "Well, that would suck. You better save me if I do, designated mom friend." 

He laughs with her, eyes taking on a shine that she doesn't think she's seen before. He's always happy, but it's usually a hesitant happiness, a subdued one, like he's afraid he'll get in trouble or teased for just enjoying himself. Here he is freely joyous, undaunted by whatever usually holds him back. 

Louis suddenly grows quiet, eyebrows knitting together, looking a great deal solemn. He opens his mouth to speak, then falters entirely.

She sits up a little, concerned at his abrupt mood shift, setting her red solo cup to the side. "Are you going to be the one to keel over?" 

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