"I don't know, Snape might have you beat there," Lillie retorts as she walks closer. The boy's full figure is illuminated, but Lillie still can't tell which one she is looking at. "Wait. Are you Fred or George?"

Fred let out a bellowing laugh, "Take a guess, Wenlock."

"Hmmm, let me think. Annoying voice, arrogant demeanor," she glances up, "and messy hair? Must be Fred."

"Ding ding ding," he exclaims, grinning wide and locking eyes with her. "Shall we?" he says, offering her his arm in an exaggerated, proper way. They set off for the grounds, Lillie's hand tucked snuggly in the crook of Fred's arm. As they walk she glances at him, and catches him rushedly patting down his hair, trying to tame it. She smiles at this as they pass the normal turn for the exit. Lillie cranes her neck as they walk past in a double take, trying to check if they were indeed passing their usual route.

"Fred, the Great Hall is that way."

"Yeah, uh, is it alright if we smoke somewhere else tonight? 'Ve got a spot in mind. It's a bit riskier, but definitely worth it."

He leads her up, and up, and up, through staircases and hallways, through corridors lined with stained glass and tapestries, before Lillie figures out where he is taking them.

"Are we going to the Divination classroom?"

"Indeed, though I expected you to figure it out a bit sooner."

"I've never taken Divination, it doesn't fit in with my schedule. I've only actually been up here once, when I got lost my third year."

"Lil," he says, "you are in for a treat." Lillie drops her arm as he pushes the door open a crack, listening for anything that might indicate they're not alone in the room. When nothing comes, he turns to her, nods his head, and creeps into the classroom, his wand lighting the way. When he fully enters the room, his posture straightens and his shoulders relax. He casts a spell that lights the room, and Lillie's breath is taken away.

From the ceiling hangs hundreds of different morrocan lamps, each glittering in a different color. The glass around them reflects and refracts the light that emanates, causing multicolor beams to shoot in all different directions. Tapestries and silks in jewel tones of blue, red, green, magenta, orange, purple, and yellow line the walls and ceilings, no part of the flagstone is seen. A fire crackles in the hearth, which is fashioned out of mosaic tiles laid in plaster. The classroom resembles an amphitheater, with pillows lining the seats. Huge, ancient leather armchairs litter the floor, with seemingly no pattern nor reason. The room smells of incense and patchouli, and whiffs of jasmine hit her nose as she walks around, taking it all in.

When she stumbled upon this classroom in her third year, it had been daytime, and none of the lanterns had been lit. Everything appeared huge, and she felt as if she dwarfed in comparison. Now, however, the room feels cozy; like Madame Trelawney built a blanket fort just for her and Fred.

"How have I not been here before?" Lillie says breathily, "It's magical."

"I would hope it's magical. Seeing as we're in a school for magic."

She is too entranced to notice Fred's dig-- instead, she makes her way to one of the pallets set up and plops down, stretching her long legs and leaning back on her palms that support her from behind. Fred does the same, sitting criss-cross and digging in his pouch for his weed.

"Ooooh," Lillie says, "A blunt? Is this a special occasion?"

"You have noooooo idea, Lil. I forced Neville to sneak me some Mugwort from the greenhouses to spice it up. This," he holds the blunt up between them, rolling it slightly between his index finger and thumb, "is premium shit."

CHRYSALIS - FRED WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now