A/N: Question!!! (Little TW)

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Just some quick questions for y'all, feel free to answer, you don't have to, but it would definitely be helpful!

Do any of you guys have Something that triggers you? Like knifes? Panic attacks? Maybe swearing or anything?

I'm mainly asking this for upcoming chapters! I just wanna know so I can put any warnings for you guys!

Should Techno die-

Or should he not?

(I mean, after all, "Techno never dies," But I still want y'all's opinions!)

How soon would y'all want me to end this?
I don't necessarily have to, but I have some good ideas and it might be a long book so I'm thinking of making a part 2 unless you guys don't want it :/

And yeah! That's it, like I said
Feel free to answer, you don't have to but it would definitely help, a lot!

And I hope you guys have a great day/afternoon/night!!!

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