A deal

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A/N: I had so much fun writing the last chapter and I'm highly excited for this one so enjoy!

Edit: !!TW:Knifes!!

//George's POV //

We were all just sitting and chatting in the cafe when Wilbur spoke up about what had happened earlier.

"So,- if you don't mind me asking," He started, "Do you know why Techno decided to take George?"

I looked at Dream figuring he was gonna answer, which he did.

"I mean, me and Techno have never gotten along, and he took George when he was next me," Dream told him, "He probably thinks that me and George are close, and he tends to not want me to be happy in life,"

Wilbur nodded.

"That's so mean, I don't understand how he can sleep at night," Niki commented.

We all nodded, agreeing.

Small time skip, about 5 minutes

// 3rd person POV //

The small group was just about to pay for what they had got when two people walked into the café. Out of curiosity, George had looked over. His heart a dropped immediately.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here," One of the people said.

Dream perked at the voice and turned around instantly.

Dream went to stand in front of George, "What the hell do you want?" He asked.

"Well, seeing as I don't have your, oh-so-sweet, George anymore, i can't really hold anything against you now.." Techno mentioned, taking a few steps towards the group.

Wilbur and Zak both got up and moved on each side of Dream, keeping guard.

"Relax, I'm not gonna hurt anyone," Techno laughed a bit while talking.

Dream scoffed a bit, "And why would we believe you?" He asked, "after everything you've done to all of us?"

"That's in the past Dream! You have to get over your past and move on!" Techno explained, now face to face with Dream.

George was to scared to speak up but he was even more nervous when he felt Dream shaking a bit.

"I'll never get over what you did-" Dream mumbled, "Now what the hell do you want?" Dream asked, speaking up.

"I want to make a deal with you," Techno told him.

Dream furrowed his eye brows a bit.

"A deal?"

"Yes! A deal!" Techno smiled, "one- simple- deal," he said, walking closer to the group.

Dream backed up and sighed, "and what might this deal be, hm?"

"Well- as you probably know, I've been, enjoying my stay at this small town," Techno started.

"What? You mean how you've been terrorizing everyone who lives here?" Dream scoffed.

Techno sighed, "that's one way to put it,"

"Get to the point!" Dream told him.

"Alright, alright!" Techno mumbled.

"If I stop going around and 'terrorizing' everyone-" Techno started, "You-" he said, pointing a finger to Dream, "Are to give me George, and never go back for him," Techno finished with a smile.

The Hunted // DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now