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I walked downstairs to see TJ talking with Mom and Dad.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"TJ came and told us what happened yesterday," Dad said.

"Ohh," I said looking at the floor as I sat down next to TJ.

"Yeah ohh. Why didn't you say yesterday that he started it? Instead, you let yourself get suspended." Mom said.

"Uh, didn't think people would believe the Juvie kid with PTSD over the golden boy athlete. Plus I guarantee my Spanish teacher was the one that told the principal I started it." I said.

"I've gotta go to school but I'll text you, Dani," TJ said standing up and walking out.

"So did you think we wouldn't believe you or the principal?" Mom asked.

"Principal," I said.

"Okay but if something like this happens again can you tell us the truth so you don't get into trouble for something that's not your fault please," Dad said. I nodded.

"Alright go get something to eat." Mom said. I stood up and walked to the dining room. I zoned out whilst eating and scrolling through Instagram. I felt someone put a hand on my shoulder and jumped almost falling off my chair.

"Woah. What's wrong?" Adam asked. Blake walked in.

"What just happened?" Blake asked.

"All I did was put my hand on her shoulder and she jumped a mile," Adam said.

"You were told not to touch Dani yesterday," Blake said. "Dani, are you okay?" Blake asked.

"He just made me jump that's all," I said. "I'm fine." I went back to eating.

"Okay," Blake said walking away. Sam and Kirby walked in.

"Hey, Dani." They both said.

"Hi," I said.

"You feeling better?" Kirby asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"Good," Kirby said.

"Can I?" Sam asked opening his arms for a hug. I nodded and he hugged me. We sat back down and I finished eating. I headed upstairs to my bedroom and sat doing schoolwork. My door knocked and I turned my head to see Mom walking in.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey, how are you feeling this morning?" Mom asked.

"Okay. I guess." I shrugged.

"Alright. So Liam's working today but I'm not. So I'm gonna call your school and talk to your principal." Mom said.

"I wanna drop Spanish," I said. Mom sat on the end of my bed.

"Is that because your teacher is an idiot or you don't like the class?" Mom asked.

"The teacher irritates me and because I know the language I'm sat in class bored because I've done the work," I said.

"Okay so do you wanna take something else?" Mom asked.

"Not really," I said.

"So I was talking to a friend in the college and she was saying they have a course for kids like you so you get a college degree sort of thing for Spanish and it's all online." Mom said.

"Kids like me as in Juvie kids and trouble makers?" I asked.

"Where in that sentence did I imply anything that had to do with Juvie or trouble makers? I meant students whose first language isn't English. I know Rio is going to  join that course too." Mom said. "And it would give you extra credit so you can graduate with the rest of your friends." Mom said.

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